
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, August 19, 2016


So what, if their BM is not perfect
So, Goh Liu Ying and Chan Peng Soon managed to win silver medals instead of gold.
Pandelela Rinong and Cheong Jun Hoong also won silver.
Azizulhasni Awang won bronze.
Not so bad, okay.
It's already the best Olympic outing for the country, if I'm not mistaken.
Anyway, Malaysia can still hope for gold from Goh V.Shem and Tan Wee Kiong.
Then, there's Datuk Lee Chong Wei.
It's good to be able to celebrate their achievements.
By the way, I don't think most of us really care about our athletes' race or religion.
I also don't think most of us really care whether they speak perfect Bahasa Malaysia or being "proper Malaysians yang mempunyai ciri-ciri rakyat Malaysia sejati"....whatever the hell that is.
I know that I don't care about that.
Those guys are out there battling it out and giving it all for the country.
For me that makes them good enough Malaysians.
In fact, for me they are better Malaysians than some of us who can speak perfect Bahasa Malaysia and oh so patriotic lah kununnya.
I'm saying all these because of these comments from my last post,
Blue17 August 2016 at 21:52
Lets hope they are not only cute in the court but speak fluent BM. No point winning the medals but speak the language which is understood by those in the mainland only.
Anonymous18 August 2016 at 11:37
Blue, you are hoping for a miracle. They are not patriotic like the Indonesians, Thais to name a few. Malaysia is just a land of opportunity for them
Tuan Blue18 August 2016 at 14:15
As long as they carry the Jalur Gemilang, then the people hope that they are equally good in BM as much as they do with mandarin. This is the least that they can do as the citizen on this country.
Anonymous18 August 2016 at 14:45
i agree with 11:37
malaysia is a land of opportunity for chinese and indian
no matter what they said with their mouth
theyll be need to be the same level of patriotism like indonesia, minus their gloomy economic situations
ill vote for single stream school, once that established, then things will be progress more positively
There are a few more but I think those are sufficient as samples.
Seriously guys, what's wrong with you all?
So what if some of us, our athletes included, can't speak proper BM.
For me, that doesn't make them any less patriotic than myself or any of you.
My mother can't speak perfect BM even after all these years married to my father, but I know for a fact that she really loves this country.
When Malaysia was savaged in the Chinese web forums after MH370 went missing, she went in there and battled it out in defense of this country.
And she even defended the BN government despite herself (from what i know) being a supporter of DAP.
She told me that she did so because when foreigners and even some Malaysians attacked our government in a time of crisis, it's the same as attacking our country itself.
Myself and most of you all can't do that and probably won't even be bothered.
My mother was educated in a Chinese school and a university in Taiwan.
So, she can do what she did.
And she did it for her love of this country.
Nobody paid her to do it, okay.
By the way, do you think all Englishmen can speak perfect English?
Or Chinesemen, can they all speak perfect Mandarin or Cantonese, or Hokkien or whatever?
No, right.
Does that makes them lesser Englishmen or Chinese?
I don't think so.
If we want to talk about being like the Indonesians for example, do we really want our country to be like Indonesia?
Or Thailand?
Or the Philippines?
I don't think so.
Why can't we just appreciate the way we are and just get along with minimum prejudices?
We are unique and we are like that because this country is designed to be so.
Read the constitution and you will realise that what we are now is how it was intended by the founding fathers when they set-up this country called Malaysia.
Let's not destroy it because we think we are more Malaysian than the next person because we can speak BM better, or we think our racial background is more Malaysian, or our religion is more Malaysian.
Guys, let's pray that our Olympic athletes (and all of us for that matter) will never end up like in this story,
That's just the trailer.
The movie is also in Youtube at https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=DFQB9GaWYVk
- http://lifeofaannie.blogspot.my/


  1. Assalamu alaikum wr.wb.saya ingin mengucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada MBAH LIMPAH atas bantuan MBAH.kini impian saya selama ini sudah jadi kenyataan,dan berkat bantuan MBAH LIMPAH pula yang telah memberikan angka jitu kepada saya 4D SGP.dan alhamdulillah langsung tembus,sekali lagi makasih ya MBAH karna waktu itu saya cuma bermodalkan uang 200 ribu dan akhirnya saya menang,berkat angka ghoib hasil ritual MBAH LIMPAH saya sudah bisa buka usaha,yaitu butic pakaian impor dan toko sembako di depan rumah,kini kehidupan keluarga saya jauh lebih baik dari sebelumnya,bagi saudarah2 penggemar togel ingin menang seperti saya silahkan HUBUNGI MBAH LIMPAH di nomor hp: [_085_312_407_999_] dan ramalan MBAH memang memiliki ramalan ghoib yang dijamin 100% tembus,karna saya sudah membuktikannya selama 4X putaran menang..

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      atau silahkan dan saya sangat bersyukur kepada allah swt karna melalui bantuan AKI ALIH kini kehidupan saya sudah jauh lebih baik dari sebelumnya,ingat kesempatan tidak akan datan untuk yg kedua kalinya.

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  3. So what, if their BM is not perfect So, Goh Liu Ying and Chan Peng Soon managed to win silver medals instead of gold.
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