
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, August 23, 2016

Is the Malaysia project a non-starter?

In the Seven Habits series, the author’s central thesis is that we must grow or develop habits for growth and development in meaningful and significant ways. He argues that all human or organic systems must first grow from total dependence (and appreciate all its full meanings) to independence or human freedoms, and then, finally and fully appreciate interdependence with others of like-heart and mind. This is also the Hearts and Mind agenda of our NGO.
Full understanding and appreciation of real and true meaning of interdependence must belong to every one of the stakeholders and partners in a shared and common enterprise. It must become a shared vision for posterity; and never to be compromised.
Whether it is the UN or the EU, or even federated states like the US or Malaysia, or our simple OHMSI Sdn Bhd; interdependence properly understood and stewarded defines real and true meanings of the so-called freedom we ‘pretend to enjoy’, it then becomes real ‘merdeka’.
Covey’s seven relational theses
Habit 1: Be Proactive
Habit 2: Begin with the End in Mind
Habit 3: Put First Things First
Habit 4: Think Win/Win
Habit 5: Seek First to Understand, Then to Be Understood
Habit 6: Synergise
Habit 7: Sharpen the Saw”
- Stephen R Covey, ‘The 7 Habits of Highly Effective People’
I will try to evaluate our Malaysia project, not simply from a historical perspective, but more importantly from a worldview perspective and see what Covey might be saying to us. Such a perspective puts a very high premium on human values for growth within the ethics and culture of lived life; in seeking to move organic systems from the full dependence towards voluntary and volitional inter-dependence.
The Malaysia project
Malaysia came into existence on Sept 16, 2016. But, that fact is not clearly taught in history. Not many of us today can change that false reality interpreted today. Before that date we had four independent states called Federation of Malaya, Singapore, and the North Borneo States of Sarawak and Sabah; each with their own unique story about the movement from dependence towards independence and now interdependence.
Rightly or wrongly, for reasons of their own, in August 1965 Singapore chose to leave Malaysia by mutual agreement and consent between the leaderships of Malaysia and the island state. I am not sure if and whether Sarawak and Sabah or the United Kingdom had any direct say in this matter.
Therefore, after a short marriage of two years, Singapore exercised their ‘move from total dependence from the United Kingdom towards independence from the new Malaysia’. They wanted to learn and grow the experience and freedom with true independence.
Sarawak and Sabah may have had views about such a move by Singapore, but I do not know those facts, but they too surely want to experience movement from full dependence towards true independence. And their growth experiences will be surely very different.
Sarawak and Sabah’s self-governance experience
Have the Sarawak and Sabah governments and their political leadership learned true independence and interdependence from their many years as a one-third partner of Malaysia; even as the Malaysia Agreement gave them some clear and separate jurisdictions?
Many of these legal rights and privileges were captured within the revised Federal Constitution of Malaysia and including recognition of their 18 and 20 point submissions. Was there ever consensus on those two documents by the political leadership of Malaysia?
But why therefore, after more than 50 years within Malaysia, do they now put their foot down about Petronas’ governance and staff recruitment strength and raise issues about employment permits? As a public policy person, I am simply wondering loudly.
What have they really learnt about independence, or interdependence, or is it still merely dependence, if anything at all? Or, do these jurisdictional governance regimes feel like, we the Malayans, have thoroughly abused them altogether?
Learning from Covey
In my Pet Theory R, relationships are an important and elemental R. Therefore, building and growing our knowledge about ‘nurturing and growing mature relationships’ using the Covey’s three-step process and applying them to his seven habits for Sarawak and Sabah relationships with Malayans may be instructional:
  • Malaya was proactive in nurturing a relationship with Sarawak and Sabah; Brunei however did not respond in the same way. Why? We still grew Malaysia. Did we ask Indonesia at all?
  • Our end in mind was always National Unity and regional stability; and more recently, we have added words like integration and integrity. I call that agenda: integration with integrity.
  • What is our First Things First? Is it Malaysia, ‘Melayusia’, or ketuanan bumiputra for now or centre versus periphery in governance of lived life and stewardship of resources; including all human beings especially citizens?
  • Do we think win-win every time we have bilateral issues in our relationships concerns? Or, can we really begin to think win-win-win to endure stewardship as the third win for the sake of all human beings?
  • Do we seek to understand before we seek to be understood? I did not understand Sarawakians until I met the Kelabits earlier and now, after I spent 10 days in Baram Valley. Maximus Ongkili, Beth Baikan and Bernard Dompok taught me to learn to understand Kadazans.
  • Have we really learnt to synergise? Why then is the Malaysian Public Service still more than 80 percent made up of peninsular Malays (non-Malays are less than 10 percent I believe)? This issue is reflective of the Petronas case story. Synergy would allow for creating new values; not simply depreciating existing values.
  • Finally, from my experience on the ground, and meeting so many smart and equally ambitious Orang Ulu Sarawak and Kadazans; these questions are my Covey test for all of Malayans to sharpen our saw or ‘tools of execution and evaluation’ so that we can see and learn the real meaning of Malaysian interdependence and not allow it to become a foolhardy project.

KJ JOHN, PhD, was in public service for 32 years having served as a researcher, trainer, and policy adviser to the International Trade and Industry Ministry and the National IT Council (NITC) of the government of Malaysia. The views expressed here are his personal views and not those of any institution he is involved with. Write to him at kjjohn@ohmsi.net with any feedback or views. - Mkini


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    coming out from the mouth of another SERPENT, retired CIVIL-SERPENT to be exact!

    16th September is actually the announced date, not the date of FORMATION, there is a wide difference between the two!

    The actual formation of a certain nation was to be consisted by five members, namely: MALAYA, SARAWAK, BRUNEI, NORTH BORNEO, and SINGAPORE.
    One day before the signing ceremony, BRUNEI completely backed out due to disagreement about the unresolved issue on the "oil tariffs".
    Only four members remained to sign the agreement on 9th July 1963.
    The agreement remained a SECRET throughout the month of July, in 1963,
    complain was voiced but was appeased, to make an announcement in the following month,
    but was kept quashed again, because of the MERDEKA DAY celebration in August. (FACT = No announcement came in July or August.)
    After much deliberated DELAY, it was finally announced on the 16th of September 1963.
    The celebration of MERDEKA DAY remained a pompous one, as opposed to MALAYSIA DAY, over the years. (A few decades to be EXACT!)
    Finally in the year 2010, MALAYSIA DAY was finally recognized and gazetted as another PUBLIC HOLIDAY!

    What happened to 23rd of July 1963?
    Is it not IMPORTANT enough to be WORTH mentioning or even remembered at all?
    VANISHED into HIS-STORY or burried under OSA again or 'conveniently and completely' FORGOTTEN?

    SABAH that you know right now, is actually called 'North Borneo'(not Sarawak) before the formation of that certain NATION.
    The name that you are using right now was proposed by North Borneo. They rejected the name "MELAYU RAYA", while promoting the name "MALAYSIA".

    Strangely, can any so called 'colony' sign any agreement to form any nation, before they are legally given their independence status?
    Sarawak only gained her independence from the British, legally on 23rd July 1963.
    Is the agreement signed on the 9th of July 1963, legally or morally valid, or has someone pulled a 'FAST ONE' on naive Sarawak?

    Singapore saw through the FARCE of the so called new nation.
    Singapore 'parted way' or was 'kicked out', depending on whichever version you are hearing it from, and decided to call herself a REPUBLIC from August 1965, onward.

    "Only three things can never be HIDDEN for long. The SUN, the MOON, and the TRUTH"


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