
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, August 27, 2016

Mufti: Don’t slam fatwas, they can be revised

A state mufti today expressed regret over Muslims' tendency to question fatwas (edicts) issued by state religious leaders.
Pahang mufti Abdul Rahman Osman slammed certain ‘extreme quarters’ who denounced as wrong any fatwas they disagreed with, saying that such groups apparently believed they were very smart.
“When we make a decision, they question fatwas issued by muftis and refer to other fatwas.
“If you don’t agree with a particular fatwa, it can be ordered to be revised,” he pointed out.
The Pahang mufti was speaking at a press conference organised by the Gabungan NGO Islam Malaysia.
The Kedah Fatwa Council had recently declared the popular application Pokemon Go haram (forbidden), while the Federal Territories mufti says the game should be avoided if it causes harm.
This prompted some Malaysians to question and ridicule their decision.
Meanwhile, personalities who attended the press conference stated their opposition to extreme ideologies, including that of terror group Islamic State (IS).
Former Federal Territory mufti Wan Zahidi Wan Teh pointed out how countries in the Middle East such as Egypt, Jordan and Algeria have banned books that they refer to as ‘salafiyah’.
Among them are books by controversial scholar Ibnu Taimiyyah.
Dangers of Ibnu Taimiyyah material
Special Branch Counter Terrorism principal assistant director Ayob Khan Mydin Pitchay had previously said that IS suspects that have been questioned by police were found to have primarily adhered to views by Ibnu Taimiyyah.
Asked later whether books by the aforementioned scholar should be banned in the country, Wan Zahidi said religious authorities should learn from Egypt and Jordan in the matter.
“Egypt and Jordan are actually very open but why did they ban these books?
“It means that (these books) are the real threats to peace and security,” he said.
Abdul Rahman, meanwhile, is of the opinion that such books must be banned but noted how the books have yet to be reported to the religious authorities.
“I think the books should be submitted to us and we will bring them to the fatwa council,” he said.
The mufti also took the opportunity to ask that the Education Ministry remove the teaching of tauhid rububiyyah (oneness of Allah’s lordship), tauhid uluhiyyah (oneness of worship) and tauhid asma’ wassifat (belief in Allah’s names and attributes) currently being taught in schools.
This is because the three beliefs were sourced from Ibnu Taimiyyah, he said.
“We ask that books by Ibnu Taimiyyah that are against the ahli sunnah wal jamaah (people of the tradition of Muhammad and the consensus of the ummah) be studied and a decision made to ban them.
“Not all of his books are erroneous, some can be used as reference in universities but they should not be used as reference by the general public,” he said.

Meanwhile, Mahfuz Mohd, head of a pondok school in Rawang, said that the three principles of beliefs have been exploited by the wahabis (an Islamic branch) to justify the killing of people.
“The 'three tauhid' is very dangerous. Tauhid rububiyyah, for example, says those who visit cemeteries are unbelievers.
“The West has exploited this belief to create havoc in the Muslim world. That's why you see Muslims killing other Muslims,” he said. - Mkini

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