
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, August 19, 2016


Langkawi MP Nawawi Ahmad has committed lèse majesté against the Yang di-Pertuan Agong by defaming, insulting and dragging the sacred name of our King into the 1MDB corruption scandal.
By suggesting that MO1 (Malaysian Official 1), the corrupt official mentioned in the US Department of Justice (DOJ) proceedings, is the Agong, he has committed criminal defamation.
The position of the Agong is the highest institution under the Federal Constitution. Therefore, all Malaysians must rise to insist that the attorney-general (AG) must show the same vigour in defending and protecting this institution as the AG did in clearing Najib Abdul Razak from allegations of corruption in relation to the 1MDB scandal.
I was sacked as deputy prime minister and then as Umno deputy president for raising this scandal, for seeking that Umno and the government come clean on this. By my sacking, Najib thinks his corruption can be swept under the carpet.
But DOJ then made a damming 136-page indictment against the 1MDB scam. The court papers showed without doubt that the plunder of this government corporation went all the way up to a corrupt government official identified only as MO1. Enough description has been given as to who this MO1 is.
It is revolting to the rakyat that the government's institutions for checks and balances have been crippled. It is shameful to the Malays-Muslims that none of the state muftis and government ulamaks dared to comment on this scandal although Islam exhorts Amr Ma'ruf Nahy Mungkar.
It is repulsive to Umno grassroots members that Umno is incapable of correcting its supreme council and top leadership. And just in order to defend the indefensible, the Langkawi MP dragged and smeared the sacred institution of the Malay rulers into this scandal by suggesting that MO1 is our Agong. That is how low an elected representative from Umno would stoop in defence of the party's president. How could this happen to a once august and noble party?
When we see all these Umno leaders and politicians behave the way they do now, we must learn to accept that Umno is beyond redemption. Umno cannot be saved if it is incapable of removing its corrupt leaders. Umno must be buried if it cannot defend the institution of the monarchy but is more concerned with defending its president and now even a minor politician can insult the Agong without any consequence.
Police reports have been lodged on this by a founder of Bersatu, Anina Saadudin. It is for the police to now take action. The Attorney-General's Chambers (AGC) has charged bloggers, cartoonists, lawyers and opposition leaders with sedition and under Sosma (Security Offences Act (Special Measures) 2012 . It is now that the AGC must use those same laws against the Langkawi MP.
Equally important is to name who MO1 is. This is to ensure that no one else can be defamed in the way the Agong has been defamed by the Langkawi MP or any cheap publicity-seeking politician. This matter must be put to rest.
I say with certainty that MO1 is Najib Abdul Razak. He is the rogue identified as such in the DOJ filings. As I am definitely right, I ask Umno members to reflect if this is the person they want as their party leader. I ask Malaysians is this the leader they want as prime minister to lead this country? We must end this abomination and restore truth and justice and I ask all Malaysians to unite in achieving this.
MUHYIDDIN YASSIN is former deputy prime minister and deputy Umno president. This article was first published on his Facebook.


  1. Assalamu alaikum wr.wb.saya ingin mengucapkan banyak terima kasih kepada MBAH LIMPAH atas bantuan MBAH.kini impian saya selama ini sudah jadi kenyataan,dan berkat bantuan MBAH LIMPAH pula yang telah memberikan angka jitu kepada saya 4D SGP.dan alhamdulillah langsung tembus,sekali lagi makasih ya MBAH karna waktu itu saya cuma bermodalkan uang 200 ribu dan akhirnya saya menang,berkat angka ghoib hasil ritual MBAH LIMPAH saya sudah bisa buka usaha,yaitu butic pakaian impor dan toko sembako di depan rumah,kini kehidupan keluarga saya jauh lebih baik dari sebelumnya,bagi saudarah2 penggemar togel ingin menang seperti saya silahkan HUBUNGI MBAH LIMPAH di nomor hp: [_085_312_407_999_] dan ramalan MBAH memang memiliki ramalan ghoib yang dijamin 100% tembus,karna saya sudah membuktikannya selama 4X putaran menang..

    1. Sebelumnya perkenalkan nama saya IBU LILIS SUSANTI di jawa timur ingin menceritakan kepada semua teman-teman bahwa saya yg dulunya orang yg paling susah kampungku,buat makan aja harus ngutan dulu ama tetangga itupun kalau ada yg mau ngasi,semakin saya berusaha semakin susah juga dapat pekerjaan dan selama saya ingin berbuat baik kepada orang lain semakin banyak pula yang benci ama saya dan cuma dianggap orang rendah,miskin,tidak punya apa-apa. Maka dari itu saya akhirnya bertekat untuk pergi mencari dukun yang bisa merubah nasib saya disuatu hari saya bertemu sama orang yang pernah dibantu ama AKI ALIH dan dia memberikan nomer AKI ALIH,dia juga bilan kepada saya kalau AKI ALIH bisa membantu orang yang lagi kesusahan,dan saya tidak berpikir panjang lebar lagi saya langsun menghubungi AKI ALIH dengan senan hati AKI ALIH ingin membantu saya dengan jalan togel,dan alhamdulillah saya sudah menang togel yang ke5 kalinya.setelah keberhasilan ini rencana saya ama keluarga ingin buka usaha demi untu kebutuhan keluarga yang tercinta sekali lagi makasih ya aki atas bantuanya jasa aki tidak akan perna saya lupakan.bagi teman-teman diluar sana yang ingin seperti saya silahkan hubungi AKI ALIH di 082==313==669==888
      atau silahkan dan saya sangat bersyukur kepada allah swt karna melalui bantuan AKI ALIH kini kehidupan saya sudah jauh lebih baik dari sebelumnya,ingat kesempatan tidak akan datan untuk yg kedua kalinya.


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