
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, August 18, 2016


This is taken from here :


Anak (Rosmah) Riza Aziz dan Low Taek Jho, dalam saman (DoJ) terhadap 1MDB, dipanggil membela diri pada 22 Ogos ini, menurut peguam Zainur Zakaria.

Zainur berkata Riza dan Jho Low serta beberapa nama lain yang disebut dokumen DOJ berpeluang mencabar tuntutan kerajaan (AS) yang merampas aset mereka.

“Kalau mereka tidak tampil ke mahkamah, mahkamah akan merampas aset-aset ini. Tetapi sekiranya mereka tampil ke mahkamah, mereka boleh lawan,” katanya 

Zainur penasihat Husam Musa dalam saman terhadap Riza, Jho dan Goldman Sachs

Zainur tidak yakin mereka akan hadir ke mahkamah bagi membela diri.

Siasatan FBI memang rapi dan teliti. 
AS tidak akan memfailkan tuntutan jika tidak cukup bukti 

DoJ saman untuk merampas aset AS$1 bilion (RM4 bilion) berkaitan 1MDB.

sebahagian daripada AS$3.5 bilion yang disalah guna 
aset lain termasuk rumah mewah, hasil seni, jet peribadi dan kutipan filem 

Menurut Peguam Negara AS sekurangnya AS$3.5 bilion milik rakyat Malaysia dicuri

Husam mempunyai ‘local standi’ memfailkan saman terhadap wang 1MDB.

bukan sahaja urusan bank di AS, aset yang mereka beli kebanyakannya di sana.

mahkamah AS ada bidang kuasa sebab aset ini di Amerika

My comments : This is where Riza Aziz gets thrown under the bus by his mother's stupidity.  I dont SAY it was greed. It was just plain stupidity. These are a very stupid people.

Anyway, if Riza Aziz and Jho Low make an appearance at the US Federal Court in Los Angeles, California on the 22nd August it will put Najib and wifey under tremendous world scrutiny. Every reporter will be asking them (err..except our local tak ada teloq variety of journalists  about Riza and Jho Low being hauled to Court in the US. That will be terribly embarrassing.

So I agree with Zainur Zakaria that to avoid all that NEGATIVE publicity, both Jho Low and Riza will not make any appearance at the Los Angeles Court on 22 August, 2016.

In such event the Court will award the suit that has been filed against them to the Plaintiffs ie the US DOJ.  

The Court will grant the US DOJ their petition to seize all those assets that have been bought with money stolen from 1MDB. 

Case closed? Riza, mummy, step dad, Jho Low can sleep easy? No way.

It makes the job of the DOJ much easier. After that they will move to the next stage of the process. They will begin criminal proceedings against Jhow Low, Riza and the others named in the DOJ's Court filing. 

If Riza, Jho Low etc do not make an appearance to defend themselves in a civil hearing then almost certainly they will also NOT make an appearance in any criminal proceedings against them in a US Criminal Court. 

And if they do not appear in the US Court for a criminal hearing,  they will be found guilty by default.  Once they are found guilty in a criminal hearing, then warrants of arrest will be issued by the US. Possibly Red Notices will be requested via Interpol. Extradition proceedings will also be started if they are not in the US. 

Hesus (Jesus) Alehandro (Alejandro) Santa Maria will be waiting for them. 

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