
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, August 25, 2016

Strange that red shirts don’t want to know who MO1 is

YOURSAY | ‘Removing a corrupt gov’t official is not overthrowing the gov’t.’
Mushiro: The Aug 27 TangkapMO1 rally is about exposing Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) and Pertubuhan Pembela Nasib Melayu (Gerakan Merah) president Mohd Ali Baharom, better known as ‘Ali Tinju’, said the Gerakan Merah counter-rally is about saving Najib Abdul Razak.
So are they confirming that MO1 is Najib? And Ali Tinju is also very 'genuine' that their cause is for all Malaysians - he is very 'convincing'. I am sure MCA, Gerakan and MIC will believe him.
Unafraid: I have just watched the closing ceremony of the Rio Olympics. It moved me to tears to see the spontaneous celebration of harmony among the races.
Yet here in Malaysia, we have bigoted idiots like these red shirts whose only agenda is to promote the supremacy of their race. They are so insecure that they behave like possessed people who sees threats against their race and religion at every nook and corner.
Come on. When will they grow up and behave like matured sensible adults and not continue to make themselves look like fools?
Maxit: First of all, nobody is trying to overthrow the government. Removing an allegedly corrupt government official is not overthrowing the government but seeking justice.
Gerakan Merah can go ahead and defend the government and we will clap for you. But defending corrupt leaders, thieves and robbers... how lah?
It is now very hard to believe anything these people are saying nowadays. Whenever they say anything, my mind automatically sends it to my mental garbage dump.
Labis Guy: Mr Prime Minister, sir, please put an end to all this nonsense stating ‘Aku Melayu’ on their T-shirts. Words like these were never seen in the 50s, 60s, 70s, 80s, 90s and 2000s.
Why is all this happening now? We have been living peacefully all those years. We never say, you Melayu or you Cina or you India. It is getting out of hand.
Hsu Do Nimh: Hitler gained control over Germany because of his ‘Brown Shirts’, violently disrupting meetings and rallies of his opponents.
Just keep that in mind when Gerakan Merah do the exact same thing. We are looking at history repeating itself.
Hardboiled: Why is there mention of the police and Kuala Lumpur City Hall (DBKL) not approving the students’ rally, but these red shirts can do as they please?
I can only imagine that the ignorant and desperate follow the Gerakan Merah group leaders. Could this be a first in the world, a T-shirt stating your race?
Doc: What? Only 2,000 ‘Aku Melayu’ T-shirts available? It seems that Ali Tinju is not expecting much Malay support for their T-shirts.
Tan Kim Keong: A leopard cannot change its spots. He is what he is. This feature on the T-shirts is also to counter the ‘Anak-Anak Malaysia’ campaign.
Well done to all the government institutions for all the years of indoctrination. It is working very well.
RR: The police must ensure that there is no confrontation between the rallies on the same date to avoid clashes between them. This will eventually turn into an ugly racial conflict and destroy the nation.
The police must also remove race-based T-shirts, slogans and banners. The different groups should carry only Malaysian unity banners as a matter of national principle.
Multi Racial: If Gerakan Merah is sincere about fighting for the nation, then they should join TangkapM01 urging that those who stole the country’s wealth be charged. How can protecting the alleged thieves be good for the country?
Anonymous 2353861441183710: Get it right. It is the US Justice Department (DOJ) versus MO1, not DOJ versus Malays or Malaysians.
And definitely not Chinese versus Malays. It’s not even against Umno, only against MO1. So what do these idiots in red with ‘Aku Melayu’ T-shirts have anything to object about?
Victor Johan: And why does the 'Aku Melayu' troop not want to know or identify who's this alleged corrupted Malaysian Official 1? Or are they being funded by this very MO1 and his cohorts to obstruct this peacefully organised and to be conducted Tangkap MO1 rally?
So far, based on the charge sheet, this MO1 is a relative of PM Najib Razak's stepson Riza Aziz and helms the 1MDB advisory board.
But we still don't know as the Najib's cabinet ministers, the attorney-general and the inspector-general of police (IGP) have not been able to identify and thus no announcement who MO1 is?
The people, especially the students are coming out on Aug 27 to search and identify this unnamed person. The police should assist them wholeheartedly, as they, too, are Malaysian citizens who are affected by the alleged act of embezzlement and corrupt practices.
Falcon: Look at that red T-shirt and the image on it - a knife-wielding individual in a position to strike. If this is not threatening or terrorising I wonder what is?
And yes - every country has its set of fascists, racists, race- and religious-baiters, opportunists and shenanigans funded by hidden hands to intimidate and terrorise the common men and women who want holistic change.
These are Malaysia's contributions to that basket of mental retards out to terrorise and intimidate anyone who disagrees with them.

Just a Malaysian: What about a T-shirt saying ‘Aku Bodoh’? It will have the same effect. -Mkini

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