
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, January 24, 2017

Hadi's Act 355 is precisely that - an 'act'

YOURSAY | 'PAS, you have said nothing on the RM2.6b … and you want us to trust you on this?'
Negarawan: "The proposed amendments, if endorsed, will see the present punishment cap to be raised to 30 years' jail, RM100,000 fine and 100 strokes of the cane."
Can PAS explain how the proposed amendments is a priority in upholding peace and justice in Malaysia? Can PAS list down specific examples of recent criminal cases, in which if Act 355 is not implemented, will have serious impact on the practice and sanctity of Islam?
There are already civil laws to handle all the criminal issues mentioned in Act 355. There is no need for a parallel justice system which will eventually victimise non-Muslims, such as we are already witnessing today in the many heart-wrenching child custody cases.
PAS is trying to boost its political image as a "champion of Islamic justice" by heavily publicising Act 355 throughout the country. PAS is unethically pressurising Muslims into supporting Act 355's amendments by declaring Act 355 as a "compulsory religious obligation".
Most well-informed rakyat know that the most serious form of injustice in the country today stems from graft and abuse of power prevailing at the highest levels in the government. That PAS has turned a blind eye on these issues exposes the hypocrisy and dishonesty of PAS.
Act 355 is what it is, a big act. It will create a path to hudud laws and is the last step in the final destruction of our multi-religious fabric.
It is interesting to note this meeting with Catholic and NGO representatives took place with the cross in the background. Act 355 goes against the grain of Christianity, which seeks to forgive and be merciful, rather than to enhance the punishment meted out to any wrongdoer.
I am sure that this was in the thought process of the members of the clergy in this meeting, namely bishop Sebastian Francis and father Henry Rajoo of the St Anne's Church. Perhaps bishop Paul Tan would have been more eloquent?
Send in the Clowns: Why should other religious leaders and NGOs need to give PAS the time of day to listen to their religious pontifications?
They are just political opportunists hiding behind a religion. If they need to explain anything, it is this - why they have not condemned the allegations of corruption linked to Umno.
They are in politics, as such are not qualified to speak on Islamic teachings.
SusahKes: Meetings are fine and dandy, provided you are meeting with competent and sincere folks.
PAS? They aren't even able to deal effectively with the floods in Kelantan; it's no major revelation that their governance of the state reflects, at best, a kampung-style approach to management.
As for sincerity, well, I hope that image of PAS president Abdul Hadi Awang and MO1 (Malaysian Official 1) wearing the same pink garb, laughing together a la boys playing guli behind their kampung house, will remain entrenched in one's mind.
Anonymous 2410591459862040: Excuse me PAS, you have said nothing on the RM2.6 billion and you have not sued the relevant parties for the allegation of having received RM90 million from PM Najib Razak. Yet, you want us to trust you on this?
Tulan: PAS deputy president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man is trying to become the good guy while Hadi is romancing with Najib. Can we indeed trust PAS? You make up your mind.
Sleepy: When a political party talks religion, it undermines the religion itself as well as the democratic system it represents, since the two do not mix well.
Bert: PAS leaders can have all the meetings with the Catholic church leaders they want, as we understand the church is above politics. It is the people who will decide in GE14.           
Send in the Clowns: Yes, PAS is undoubtedly one of the major culprits in the 'third bloc''.
It is basically up to the Malay community to make a wise decision not to be conned and taken advantage of by unscrupulous political parties in the name of race and religion.
It must be understood, to have a better and progressive nation they must see beyond race and religion, and think like true Malaysians.
Victor Johan: The 'third bloc' is a political farce. PAS leaders Abdul Hadi, Tuan Ibrahim and several other party leaders had already made lots of U-turns after getting the support of both the Muslim and non-Muslim voters to win seats in the Parliament and state assemblies.
PAS leaders didn't even abide by the collective manifesto from the then Pakatan Rakyat front, and now again at this crucial time where the greater Malaysian citizens and voters aspire for a change from the Umno-BN led government, they expect us to believe their new political stunts?
We know that when PAS says it is against parties such as Amanah and DAP (and later on with their partners PKR and Bersatu, too) in the coming elections, then PAS is with Umno-BN. Period. We can't be fooled again.
Anonymous Hotplate: Don't waste time talking about PAS to the people, especially in Selangor, Perak, Negeri Sembilan and Malacca, as PAS is nothing to most of the voters in these states.
But please try to talk to people in Kedah, Terengganu and Kelantan, as voters in the kampung areas there are ignorant of what is happening and are easily cheated in terms of religious matters by those jubah-clad bearded impostors.

Mechi: If corruption and misuse of public funds is seriously crippling our economy and synonymous with Umno, why is Hadi and PAS still associating with them?
Obviously, there is a secret, dangerous agenda.- Mkini

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