
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, March 24, 2017

Annuar’s essay competition is childish, says Nurul Izzah

Lembah Pantai MP lashes out at Umno info chief for organising trivial contest instead of advocating multicultural relations and stopping politics of hate and race.
izzah-annuarmusa-essayKUALA LUMPUR: PKR vice-president Nurul Izzah Anwar has slammed Annuar Musa over his proposed essay writing competition, labelling it as childish and uncalled for.
“This is unbecoming behaviour from a senior MP and former minister.
“No one should entertain this because we should be advocating for a greater degree of multicultural relations and stop the politics of hate and race,” she said to FMT when met after a forum at the Kuala Lumpur-Selangor Chinese Assembly Hall (KLSCAH) last night.
Yesterday, Annuar had intensified his public spat with Lim Kit Siang by offering a RM10,000 prize for an essay-writing competition to prove that the DAP parliamentary leader is racist, anti-Islam and a dictator.
The Umno information chief said the article must carry the title: “Adakah benar Lim Kit Siang seorang rasis, anti Islam dan 51 tahun diktator?” (Is it true that Lim Kit Siang is racist, anti-Islam and a 51-year-old dictator?).
The Ketereh MP had also asked for the essays to be submitted to his office at PWTC by May 30.
Nurul who is also the Lembah Pantai MP described the competition as nothing but merely a provocation from Umno.
“I see it as only an act of provocation from his side. He should be ashamed of himself as a senior MP and former minister for showcasing this example to Malaysians.”
Nurul expressed disappointment over the matter, pointing out that there are bigger problems to be addressed in the country at present.
“These include the bad economic situation and the country’s over reliance on petroleum.
“At present, there is a need for us to carve out a landscape that’s more optimistic and more inclusive for Malaysians.
“Instead, Annuar stands against any of that.”
Annuar’s decision to hold a competition comes days after Lim had labelled him the “father of all racists” and had dared the Kelantanese politician to sue him.
Last weekend, it was reported that Annuar had labeled Lim “a racist, anti-Islam and dictator” after officiating the assemblies for Umno’s Wanita, Youth and Puteri wings in Bagan Serai.
It had been previously reported that Annuar had directed similar labels at Lim during the Dewan Rakyat sitting, based on the Gelang Patah MP’s past actions.
This had prompted the Gelang Patah MP to challenge Annuar to repeat the statement outside the august House. --FMT

1 comment:

  1. Sedikit berbagi pengalaman siapa tau bermanfaat
    Sudah berkali-kali saya mencari tempat yang menyediakan pesugihan Uang Gaib,mungkin lebih dari 15 kali saya mencari paranormal mulai dari daerah jawa Garut,Sukabumi, cirebon, semarang, hingga pernah sampai ke bali ,namun tidak satupun berhasil, niat mendapat uang dengan jalan pintas namun yang ada malah kehabisan uang hingga puluhan juta, suatu hari saya sedang iseng buka-buka internet dan menemukan website dari Kyai.Syekh Abdul Muhyi, sebenarnya saya ragu-ragu jangan sampai sama dengan yang lainnya tidak ada hasil juga, saya coba konsultasikan dan bertanya meminta petunjuk pesugihan apa yang bagus dan cepat untuk saya, nasehatnya pada saya hanya disuruh YAKIN dan melaksanakan apa yang di sampaikan pak.Kyai Semua petunjuk saya ikuti dan hanya 1 hari Alhamdulilah akhirnya 2Miliar yang saya tunggu-tunggu tdk mengecewakan, yang di janjikan cair keesokan harinya, kini saya sudah melunasi hutang-hutang saya dan saat ini saya sudah memiliki usaha sendiri di jakarta, setiap kali ada teman saya yang mengeluhkan nasibnya, saya sering menyarankan untuk menghubungi Kyai. (Syekh Abdul Muhyi) di 0853.9899.6887 jika ingin seperti saya silahkan hubungi Kyai.Syekh Abdul Muhyi 100% memberikan bukti bukan janji Atau Rekayasa Demi allah ini kisah nyata saya...


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