
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, March 24, 2017

Hooray ! ! Muslims Need Not Travel Anymore To Great Satan Land.


Trump Orders Tougher Screening of Visa Applicants

US embassies ordered to broadly increase scrutiny visa applicants

tougher for millions of visitors to enter US 

new security checks for tourists, business travelers, relatives 

first evidence of “extreme vetting” Trump promised 

new rules do not apply to 38 countries 
Europe, Australia, New Zealand, Japan, South Korea under visa waiver 

Middle East, Africa NOT part of program. 

2016, US issued > 10 million visas 

Trump not waiting to toughen rules to enter US

embassy must scrutinize applicants to determine security risks 

detailed questions about background 

mandatory checks of social media history 

concern about “radical Islamic terrorism” from immigrants.

will further slow down approval that can take months or years 

people profiled for extra scrutiny because of name or nationality

slow down screening, impose substantial burden on applicants

much harder and create substantial delays

Consular officers not hesitate to refuse any case 

Immediate Heightened Screening and Vetting of Visa Applications

to block “bad dudes” from predominantly Muslim countries.

protocols and procedures to enhance visa screening.

Embassy can deny visa if suspected threat, fraud or overstaying 

process of securing US visa to get harder and longer

inquiry during required interview

applicant’s travel history, addresses, work history for 15 years
all phone numbers, email addresses, social media handles in past 5 years.
embassy officials to delay interviews if applicant unable to provide info 

officials should interview no more than 120 visa applicants each day.

increases scrutiny on Iran, Yemen, Sudan, Syria, Somalia, Libya.
For 6 banned countries limited exemptions, after vigorous screening. 

applicants will be questioned 15 years travel, occupational history

My comments :  Syukur Alhamdulillah. All praise be to Allah the Most Merciful. Man proposes but surely Allah disposes.  

The Muslims have been saved. They need not travel to the land of the Great Satan anymore.

Why would Muslims want to go to the US anyway? 
The country is run by the kafir people, the christians and the jews.

There is no need to go and study in their great universities.

Just go and study in Pakistan, Sudan or Yemen.


There is no need to visit their great cities.

Just go and visit Omdurman, Karachi or Jeddah.

There is no need to visit Disneyland (or "Disneyworld" he he).
Just go and visit the deserts. 

There is no need to buy any of their technology products.
Just  go and get the Anti Hysteria kit or buy two coconuts. 

Who needs America anyway ?  

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