
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, March 20, 2017

PM Najib: Don't let opposition's false news jeopardise country's future

Malaysians need to check on every news article spread by the opposition especially with the 14th general election approaching, said Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak.
He said if the people were deceived by the opposition's propaganda, the country's future would be gravely affected if they make the wrong choice in the election.
"In a dynamic political environment people are exposed to changes and they may make their decisions based on inaccurate information. The vulnerability of the people can adversely affect the government.
"We see this happening not only in our country but also in developed countries like for example when the United Kingdom decided to leave the European Union.
"The decision was made based on the Brexit campaigns which were supported by false and misleading information which eventually changed the history of the United Kingdom. The people are now remorseful over their decision but nothing can be done about it," he said.
Najib, who is also Pekan MP, said this when opening Pekan Umno's simultaneous divisional and wings' delegates meetings here today. Present were the division's deputy chief Abu Bakar Harun, Youth chief Shahruddin Ahmad and Puteri chief Malia Irdawatie Khairuddin.
He said during GE13 the opposition had also spread false news including
on the Lynas rare earth plant in Gebeng (near Kuantan) and the presence of 40,000 Bangladeshi phantom voters with the intention to intimidate and influence voters to hate the government.

"We see that most of the news spread by the opposition are not based on real facts as some were churned out to confuse and anger the people.
"The issue over the Lynas plant was a hot topic before GE13 and the opposition claimed that it was like a nuclear plant which would harm lives as residents would be exposed to the high radiation levels," he said.
"It's been five years ... the opposition is no longer harping on the issue as the general election is over," he said.
The truth was the International Atomic Energy Agency (IAEA) confirmed that the radiation level in the plant itself was much lower than that of Kuantan town, he added.
As such, he said that he hoped the people would not be influenced by the opposition's propaganda against the government which was increasingly being spread lately purely for their political agenda.

"Do not be swayed by their claims purportedly that if Umno and Barisan Nasional are defeated, things will get better, when they are not united on many things.
"Their symbols and manifestos are almost the same but how can they succeed if they are not fighting for the same cause. I do not think they will succeed as they are just trying to topple BN and Umno.

"In Islam, we are also reminded to be cautious of news spread by depraved minds to avoid slander and making bad assumptions," he said.
Umno members reminded to be loyal
Meanwhile, Najib urged Umno members and leaders to continue to adhere to the Islamic concept of walak or loyalty to the leader for the sake of the party's integrity and unity in facing the general election.

"We must understand that as a political party we have a relationship between a leader and its members. In the Umno assembly last year I had described at length the concept of loyalty to the leader or walak.
"If we have a relationship of loyalty and obedience, our party will be
stronger but if we always have doubts about any decision made by the party more so if the decision is not in our favour, we will find ways to dispute it or worse we may turn as wolves in sheep's clothing.

"As such we hope when the GE comes along there are no members going against the party because the party is our hope ... if we fall it will be difficult to regain our strength.

"Let us go back to the concept of walak or loyalty as it is meaningful to us all," he said.

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