
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, January 15, 2018

Being spoon-fed is not a virtue

I congratulate the Persatuan Patriot Kebangsaan for their statement to counter the allegations made in the “Rise of the Ummah” convention that only the Malays stood against the Japanese occupation, the Communist Insurgency and British rule.
The Gerakan Pembela Ummah chief implied that only the Malays have rights under the Malaysian sun, while the other races have none.
The convention speakers were shameless in twisting the facts of history and making unnecessary racist remarks that are against the letter and spirit of the Federal Constitution and the Rukun Negara .
The convention made all these remarks to justify the demands that government student scholarships, civil service jobs and business opportunities from the government should only be given to Malays.
These demands are hurtful not only to other races but us Malays too, as we certainly do not like the world to get the impression that by virtue of our race, we do not have to work hard and compete as the government will give us everything from the day we are born to the end of our life.
The speakers should know that more and more from the new Malay generation are confident they can stand on their own feet.

In fact, many Malay graduates with technical and professional qualifications prefer to make it on their own by venturing into small businesses, ranging from food stalls to high-tech startups and taking all the risks, often with non-Malay partners. They do not expect government handouts.
In fact Malay businessmen themselves often complain about the preferential racial treatment in government economic policies, because they tend to benefit those with political connections and exclude those who are genuine entrepreneurs and risk-takers.
Government assistance should be given on the basis of real need, not race, as this will be more fair and just to all Malaysians. The real needs are among the lowest income groups and the unfortunate people such as the old and the sick, the genuinely unemployed, unwed mothers and abandoned children, irrespective of race.
The convention comprised former senior education officers. Of all people, it is shocking that they have the sterile idea that spoon-feeding is a virtue. Any expert on culture and civilisation can tell them that this is the worst value that any race can have.- Mkini

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