
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, January 29, 2018

Don’t let Puay Chai detractors get in the way of students’ wellbeing

The last few months have been tumultuous for all the wrong reasons.
First and foremost, we welcome genuine input from watchdog volunteers so that there are always checks and balances. However, we do not welcome so-called do-gooders who have hidden agendas with bad ulterior motives best known to themselves to disrupt matters.
Worst are those who spin falsehoods and half-truths, misinformation, disinformation, and innuendos just to make themselves out to be saviours and heroes, all for their personal benefit.
All these bad actions not only harm SJK(C) Puay Chai 2 but also backfire to harm all vernacular schools, especially Chinese schools.
I need not say more, but all the bad and especially false bad publicity only fuel the politicians on this vernacular school issue. So I urge all to think wider than their narrow silos of self-interest to create unnecessary trouble and self-glorified publicity.
The other point I like to stress is that all of us are serving voluntarily. We are so blessed there are enough people volunteering to do so. Of course where there are those who volunteer merely to get a name, and worse, to profit from such positions, we need to be smart enough to identify these people and kick them out as soon as possible so as not to create harm and disharmony, and be distracted from the objectives and projects to improve the school.
Not only do we volunteer our time and effort, most times we need to dig into our pockets to donate to these projects. I salute those who genuinely volunteer to serve and put in their time, effort and money.
With regard to the current debacle on the Covered Basket Ball Arena, here are the facts:
This project was mooted not by the board of governance, but by the PIBG.
The board was roped in to jointly develop this project, just like the school’s multi-purpose hall and many facilities.
The responsibility of improving this school is the joint responsibility of the headmaster, board and PIBG. I stress joint.

None of the board members have children nor grandchildren in this school. So we are volunteering for the love of not only this school, but for the growth and sustainability of Chinese schools for the sake of the community.
For this, we are indeed blessed that the Chinese community has always been very generous and supportive of this noble cause – save for some detractors, who not only refuse to contribute to the cause but are hell-bent on disrupting and hurting Chinese schools.
All these projects undertaken for our school have been for the benefit of your children and for your future children.
We have instituted SOPs to ensure transparency, competitive bidding and good practice and governance.
This Basketball Arena project took many years to come to fruition due to the need for fundraising and approval.
The nonsense being spewed by irresponsible persons that we have built this project without approval is totally false and bullshit.
The rumour going around is full of bad intentions, and is an attempt to tarnish the name of the school, board, PIBG and headmaster.
I hope those who are responsible and wise parents have not been falsely influenced by this desperate liar. For your information the CF/CCC for this project has been issued to demonstrate the stupidity of the lie.
Over this long period of fundraising and approvals, the expectations and aspirations of parents, board and PIBG was for a more presentable arena, instead of the original “garage-looking” shed design, and rightfully so because of the generosity of the board, the Selangor and Kuala Lumpur Teo Chew Association, PIBG and appreciative parents, we have generously donated and thus are able to meet these aspirations and expectations for a well-designed arena.
Further improvements were made, such as adding rubberised flooring for the protection of students, and electronic scoring boards.
The PIBG had at their previous AGM approved an allocation of RM290,000 although the board requested for RM300,000. We thank you for this allocation which will assist the quick completion of the project.
However, all kinds of unkind innuendos and rumours started to fly and even condemning the board for making the PIBG as their “ATM.”
For your information, the PIBG raised RM 328,000 from the first carnival.
The board raised RM338,000 from a second carnival, RM200,000 from The Selangor and Kuala Lumpur Teo Chew Association, RM300,000 from the Teo Soo Cheng Foundation, RM500,000 from the surplus donations raised for the multi-purpose hall project, which totalled RM1.138 million.
What a nonsensical and wild allegation that the board treated the PIBG as their ATM.
All the bad-mouthing perpetuated by certain parents is most uncalled for. This has influenced the PIBG to, until today, withhold the disbursement. This is most unfortunate and portrays the PIBG as most irresponsible, with a lack of integrity and acting in bad faith.
It is not the quantum of the RM300,000 allocation, but a matter of principle.
Inspite of the debate and for transparency, we have provided all the relevant tender and contract information for evaluation. We have no qualms as we are confident all matters are above board.
In order to placate further difficulties imposed on the PIBG by all the ruthless rumours and innuendos, all parties agreed that additional external works, such as the open-air netball and basketball courts added after the contract for the arena, be paid from this PIBG allocation.
To further ensure transparency, it was agreed by all parties that PIBG will pay the contractor directly for these works. In spite of all these accommodations to ease the undue pressures on the PIBG, the payment to the contractor is being delayed for reasons best known to those causing them.
I advise you all to please deliberate and think through with wisdom to not let troublemakers with selfish hidden agendas disrupt the progress of the school and the pupils welfare and wellbeing.
Of course we welcome check and balance, transparency and good governance. So long the intent is for the good and progress of the school, you have our full support.- Mkini

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