
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, January 15, 2018


Media release from Persatuan Patriot Kebangsaan 
On 14 January 2018. 2/2018.
We refer to the Malay Mail Online report on 13 Jan 18, ‘In fiery speech, cleric tells forum only Malays fought invaders, communists’. It was reported that Ismail Mina Ahmad, the chairman of the Ummah, an umbrella group for Muslim organisations, asserted that only the Malays had battled the communists. He also said that only the Malays fought against the British and Japanese. The other assertion by the chairman of Ummah was that outspoken minorities (referring to non-Malays) posed a danger to the position of Islam in the country and Malay political rule, aiming to usurp power, and even want to be a prime minister.Persatuan Patriot Kebangsaan (Patriot) is not in any way angry with Ismail Mina Ahmad, as what he purportedly said did not reflect on himself as a person well versed in current affairs and history. Being elderly and a vulnerable person, others could have easily manipulated him with sentiments relating to religion and race, especially with the general election looming and all kinds of underhand tactics would be employed. A cleric and an elderly person is usually one with wisdom, promoting love, peace, understanding, and compassion. Certainly not promoting hatred.
Patriot is very disappointed with those who sponsored Ummah in their forum that peppered with hate speeches and distorted historical facts. At a time when our economy is facing so much of uncertainty, a stagnant growth since 2016, government debt at 53.2% to the GDP, 1MDB debts to be paid, 50,000 to be out of jobs this year; any action that causes disunity will do a disfavor to our nation and society.
Ignorance breeds contempt if allowed unchecked. Patriot has to repeat here what we mentioned before. Since the pre-independent years, through the first and second emergencies, from the early years of the Home Guard, Templer’s Super 12, the Federation Regiment, the Congo peace keeping mission, the Confrontation, the urban communist terrorism, jungle warfare in Peninsular Malaysia, Sabah and Sarawak; the non-Malay officers and men, which included Chinese, Indians, Sikhs, Orang Asli, Ibans, Dayaks, and Kadazans; fought gallantly alongside their Malay brothers-in-arms. In the Air Force, numerous non-Malay pilots flew their helicopters in dangerous mission for supplies and evacuations, and enemies shot at their aircrafts. These officers and men had their share of casualties and also their much-deserved share of gallantry awards. In addition, the much cherished success of our security forces against the CPM insurgents and urban terrorists was to a large extend attributed to the many dangerous and highly classified covert operations of the police Special Branch and military intelligence, many of whom were of Chinese ethnicity.
The CPM (Communist Party of Malaya) was not totally ethnic Chinese. The 10th Regiment of the CPM was predominantly ethnic Malays, whose leaders included Abdullah CD, Rashid Mydin, and Samsiah Pakeh. Furthermore, terrorism and savage killings committed by the MPAJA (Malayan People Anti-Japanese Army) after Japan had surrendered, and who later took up arms against the British, were based on ideology, and not racial. Distorting history to suit one’s political purpose and instill hatred towards non-Malays is totally irresponsible.
Patriot calls upon the Ministers of Defence and Internal Affairs to set the record straight regarding the different ethnic groups participation and serving our country combating against our nation’s enemies and the communist insurgents. Similarly the Chief of Armed Forces and the Inspector General of Police have to openly state the same. The chief of the Armed Forces Religious Corps (KAGAT) needs to also make a statement to guide other clerics against deviant teaching.
We have to remember those who have once served our King and country with valour. Those men comprising different races, their heroic and valiant deeds, their sacrifices must never be forgotten. Keeping quiet to such distortion of facts is not an option. It is abdicating leadership responsibility.
BG Dato Mohamed Arshad Raji
President, Persatuan Patriot Kebangsaan
My comments :  Ismail Mina and the Ummah folks do not read English. So unless you release another statement in Malay, they will not know what you are saying. The Minister of Home Affairs and the Minister of Defense may not know what is the meaning of Home Guards, who is Templer or what is the Super Twelve?  So we are really barking at the wrong tree here also.
This is evidence of a total failure in our education system especially the teaching of history in this country which seeks to wipe out the memory of anything that is not Malay or Muslim. 
Hence it was not the 8th Indian Infantry Brigade of the 9th British-Indian Infantry Division, the 3/17th Dogras in battalion strength and the Rajputs who were the first to be killed (tumpah darah)  defending Malaya from the Japanese on the beaches at Pantai Sabak in Pengkalen Chepa (Kota Bharu, Kelantan) on the morning of December 7th, 1941.  All that can be ignored. 
A community which denies history, especially its own history, will live by myths, its own myths.   It will become not relevant to reality.
– http://syedsoutsidethebox.blogspot.my

1 comment:

  1. Mohon dimaafkan sebelumnya....!! terpaksa sy ngeposting disini karna sy sudah mengalami skrg bagaimn rasanya tinggal di perantauan jd TKW. Anak dan suami di tinggal di kampung. Sy dulu 4 tahun 5 bulan tinggal di Taichung Taiwan.. hanya jeritan batin dan tetes air mata selalu menharap. tp tdk ada hasilnya sm sekali. Cuman gali lobang tutup lobang trus. dulu.. pengen pulang ke indo gaji tidak seberapa. Tetapi namanya juga rejeki itu tidak ada yg tau. Yg penting kita betul-betul yakin dan percaya Pasti ada jlan keluarnya. Halal tidaknya hanya tuhanlah yg menentukan. Kebetulan waktu itu sy istirahat di kamar buka facebook dapt nmor telpon Mbah Suroto di halaman tki sukses. setelah sy baca ternyata beliau murid Eyang Guru Jugo dari gunung kawi. dengan adanya Pesugihan Dana Ghaib ini dan Pesugihan Anka ghaib/Togel 2D sampai 6D pilihan..., sy memilih jalan Pesugihan Dana Ghaib saja karna tidak ada tumbal menumbal. alhamdulillah ternyata benar2 terbukti hasil nya dari Mbah. skrg sy bsa buka usaha kecil-kecilan di rumah.. ya allah terima kasih rejekimu ini yg enkau berikan. Mungkin ada teman pengen merubah nasib nya seperti sy. ini nomr nya Mbah Suroto +6282291277145 karna tidak ada salahnya kita berbagi. sy sudah merasakan manis pahitnya tinggal di perantauan. Trmksh


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