
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, February 6, 2018

Fathul Bari: I saw Najib enter the Prophet's tomb

While a religious scholar has disputed Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak's claim of entering the tomb of Prophet Muhammad, Umno Youth executive councillor Fathul Bari Mat Jahya said he saw, with his own eyes, Najib entering the house of Aisyah (the Prophet's wife).
Fathul Bari said Aisyah's house is where the Prophet was buried and it is located within the present compound of the Prophet's mosque (Nabawi mosque).
"Hence it should be considered part of the tomb. There is no statement from Najib of those giving their salam (greetings) from within the (Nabawi mosque) compound that their greetings would not reach the Prophet," he said on Twitter.
Fathul Bari was commenting on Abu Syafiq Al Asy'ary's Facebook and Facebook Live posting disputing what Najib had claimed. Abu Safiq also said the prime minister's claim that his greeting to the Prophet was directly received was false.

Abu Syafiq (photo), when contacted by Malaysiakini, said he was not aligneed with anyone but feels it is not wise that such a matter as going into Prophet Muhammad's tomb be used in politics.
"I am saying this not because I am supporting anyone, but I feel it is not justified for Najib to use (entering into the Prophet's tomb) for political purposes," he said.
Abu Syafiq went to Facebook and also held a Facebook Live session to debunk Najib's claim that he truly entered the Prophet's tomb.
When giving out offer letters to 1,200 community leaders and imams to perform haj this year, Najib said he was given the honour of entering the Prophet's tomb.
"I was told by religious scholars that if you are allowed to enter when you give your salam (greetings) to the Prophet, he would reply to you directly, unlike others," Najib had said in his 20-minute speech.

However, Abu Syafiq in his Facebook and video posting, said such claims made by Najib were incorrect as there were two layers of wall around the Prophet's tomb and it is also closed at the top as described in the book Wafaul Wafa by Imam As-Samhudiy
"The reality is that Najib was only allowed through the gates of Saiyyidah Fatimah to see an area covered with a green cloth, as with other VVIPs.
"The inside of the tomb has not been opened since 881 Hijrah (the Muslim calendar). Hence, his (Najib's claim of entering the tomb) is inaccurate.
"Furthermore, the claim that those who send their salam (greetings) from the tomb would not reach directly to the Prophet, but he Najib was able to give his salam (greeting) to the Prophet (directly) is also improper.
"Such claim (made by Najib) is against what the Prophet said, that "whoever gives his salam (greeting), then Allah would return my soul for me to answer it (the greeting)," Abu Syafiq said.
He also said in his Facebook post that for one to claim that his greeting directly went to the Prophet and not that of the others was certainly false within the belief of the Ahli Sunnah Wal Jamaah, which is practised in Malaysia.
He added that the mufti and the minister in charge of religious affairs (Minister in the Prime Minister's Department Jamil Khir Bahrom) should have advised Najib and not to say such false things (bathil).
Abu Syafiq said he does not want to admonish Najib but he could not allow such lies to fall on the Prophet as this was serious.
He urged Najib to clarify the matter as what he had said during the function could be considered false.- Mkini

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