
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, March 1, 2018

Yoursay: Indonesia, thank you for seizing Jho Low's yacht

YOURSAY | 'You've shown to be far more capable of enforcing the law than our authorities.'
Gerard Lourdesamy: Well done, Indonesia. Hand the yacht with its contents over to the US Department of Justice (DOJ). Do not give in to subtle demands from our kleptocratic government to cover up this incident just to save our great leader's face.
Unlike the rest of the world, we are still in denial, despite the US attorney-general calling the 1MDB scandal the biggest case of kleptocracy in modern history.
With GE14 around the corner, the rakyat are fed up with the lies and cover-ups. We will deliver our verdict and punish the guilty, including the high and mighty in the Attorney-General’s Chambers, MACC, Bank Negara, the police and judiciary who have been working tirelessly to protect our great leader, his wife and stepson.
All these abuses and corruption must come to an end. We must reclaim our country after 60 years of misrule by Umno/BN with their greed, avarice and extravagance. Like the Americans in 1776, the French in 1789 and the Russians in 1917, our time has finally arrived.
RM2.6 Billion Turkey Haram: President Joko Widodo and the government of Indonesia, Allah bless your country and people.
You have done Malaysians the biggest favour, and we are forever grateful. If possible, arrest the owner of the yacht as well.
Whatsup: Hebat Indonesia! You’ve shown yourself to be far more capable of respecting and enforcing the law than our authorities.
We are truly appreciative that you didn’t kowtow to our incompetent and dubious law enforcers and so-called lawmakers.
FlabberPro: MACC, come on. Do something. If you want to improve your credibility, now is the time. If Indonesia can do it, so can Malaysia.
Anonymous 2436471476414726: Indonesia and the US should sell the yacht and remit the proceeds to Malaysia, but when and only when Pakatan Harapan takes over Putrajaya. The next step is to catch Jho Low and let him face trial.
Hplooi: Equanimity belongs to the Malaysian people. But before selling it, the Malaysian government should open the ship to public display and tours for a small price, and as a cautionary tale of corruption in Malaysia.
Jedi Yoda: What the Malaysian police have not dared to do for so long has been done without fear or favour by our neighbour. Well done also to Singapore authorities who are expeditiously charging those involved in the Singapore courts.
What the yacht was doing there in Bali is anyone's imagination - probably hosting another round of parties there. Hopefully, this will lead to the ultimate catch of the century before GE14.
Paul Warren: We are so good at making everyone scratch their heads with what to do with stolen property. The Swiss have finally decided they will keep it. And now I wonder if the Indonesians might want to keep the Equanimity.
After all, you don't return what you believe to be stolen back to the thief, do you? And the genuine owner is saying nothing has been stolen! So how can you give something like that back? And who do you give it back to?
Newday: Just like that, 1MDB chairperson Irwan Serigar Abdullah? 1MDB to be shut down after assets are stripped and dodgy loans made to complete debt repayment.
As a Terengganu state wealth fund for its citizens, it was hijacked by Jho Low and Malaysian Official 1 (MO1) and turned into a Malaysian sovereign wealth fund for all Malaysians.
It becomes the plaything for financial whiz Low to test out his wonderful money-laundering ambitions, ensuring that those within the inner 1MDB circle are handsomely rewarded via “Saudi princes”, dodgy facilitation payments, unreported bank transfers of fiction money, movies, pink diamond necklaces, artworks and the rest.
No audits for four years, a US Department of Justice (DOJ) investigation, with Swiss and Singaporean convictions all pointing truthful fingers at MO1 and company.
This is a normal commercial decision, really?
Winding up 1MDB will not make this corruption and money laundering go away. Remember to grab that US$400 million currently with the Swiss authorities to help pay your final balance sheet. We will not forget.
Slumdog: Irwan Serigar, could you enlighten us as to the extent of the debts still outstanding, and how long it will be before all debts are paid?
Prime Minister Najib Abdul Razak has often bandied about his great rationalisation programme without any specific details, and we are to believe that everything is hunky-dory.
1MDB has ended up being a sovereign debt fund. Future generations will be indirectly burdened with debt repayment.
And let’s thank the 1MDB chairperson for his flippant, uneducated and naïve comment that "Companies are bound to experience gains and losses, when we lose, we close.” He is a champion.
Anonymous 2456321485312809: "As soon as the debts are settled, there will be no reason for 1MDB to exist," said Irwan Serigar.
This means that as soon as the Malaysian taxpayer is squeezed further to pay for the obvious fraud that is 1MDB, all will be swept under the carpet and the biggest kleptocrat the world has ever seen will go scot-free.
Simple Malaysian: Why would you want to shut 1MDB down when the government says it is a good venture and heaped praises on it?
Or are you trying to tell the rakyat that it was merely set up to accumulate debts?
FlabberPro: It is true, in 10 years’ time, my own coffers would have been sucked dry. The government would have charged more taxes and GST would be much higher than six percent. 
It would be harder to live in Malaysia and there would be more nonsense spilling out from the mouths of these ministers serving in the cabinet. Logic, accountability, wisdom and common sense might be a foregone thing for some of them. I have read some statements that puzzle me. 
Racial divides would widen and strengthen. Ketuanan Melayu would apparently be threatened if 1MDB's debts are not paid. Most of the opposition leaders would be imprisoned by then too, for spilling out "fake news" and demanding accountability and justice. 
No, I do not want that kind of future.- Mkini

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