
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, February 4, 2018

Yoursay: Once again, Indian Malaysians are taken for fools

YOURSAY | Thaipusam is a religious festival. It is not an election rally.
Gerard Lourdesamy: During Thaipusam, DPM Ahmad Zahid Hamidi asked Indians to support BN on the “next big day”.
The next big day is the Tamil New Year, I suppose. Don't worry, the Indians will throng the temples to worship and celebrate, with or without the BN.
What is the point of making promises that are not kept? Go to any government department, school, public university or the police, and they will regard you as a "keling" and "kaki botol". Not worth their time.
Go to the private sector, they will ignore you because you are too dark to be seen and too poor to make a difference.
Have the billions of ringgit allocated to the Indians reached the deserving ones or have the funds been diverted to MIC, Makkal Sakthi, IPF and MyPPP to be dissipated?
Once in five years, Indians seem to matter to Umno/BN especially when there is a close fight in the elections. The rest of the last 60 years has been the same – neglect, indifference and contempt.
Anonymous_40f4: Batu Caves is not a place for political speeches by Umno and BN leaders. It is a holy place for prayers, and alleged thieves should not be allowed there.
Norman Fernandez: You don’t attend a religious function and talk about electioneering and make promises. It is better you make a solemn promise that you are willing to be damned by the Hindu gods if you do not do what you promise.
Not vote and then you deliver. Deliver and then seek the votes.
Anonymous 788831449650206: Zahid should not use, or rather abuse, his position to canvas for votes. What is the Election Commission doing?
Thaipusam is a religious festival. It is not an election rally.
Vijay47: Let us face some unsavoury facts. There are elements within the Indian community, as surely there must be amidst the Chinese and Malays, whose highest measure of bliss is if they can somehow achieve some dubious recognition by those from the pinnacles of power even if such leaders are trash.
Thus, the Indians readily forget years of abuse, discrimination and injustice, countless deaths in police custody, destruction of their places of worship, and their leading position in all unfavourable and deadly statistics of life.
To them, all can be forgotten with that priceless seat at the same table and that precious selfie moment.
If Indians can still fall for Zahid's sugary words and promises, they surely deserve him and PM Najib Razak for yugas to come. The old stories have never gone, they remain ‘thodar kathai’, an unending story of misery.
Anonymous #19098644: There are 2.2 million Indian Malaysians.
Does Zahid really belief that by giving 90 cents to each Indian Malaysian, they will vote BN and forget about 60 years of neglect, marginalisation and been misled by one broken promise after another?
That after handing out RM2 million, all the Indian problems will suddenly go away? If they do, no amount of carrying the kavadi and prayers will help them.
Doc: Indians love to be conned and lied to by BN and Najib. The Indian community support will be with BN in the coming election.
Time and again, the PM and rest of his BN crony squad have promised heaven and earth to the Indian community just before an election and without fail, BN has never delivered on their promises.
The cycle of being promised a better economic pie by BN before an election and the election promises not being fulfilled after the election has been going on for eons but yet the Indians keep voting BN time and again.
I do not expect the Indian community to wise up this time around. As for the minority of educated Indians, well, they will not fall for Najib’s ‘nambikai’ rubbish.
Cogito Ergo Sum: The Indian community are a forgotten lot. They are only remembered before elections, enticed with promises galore because they could be the mini kingmakers in crucial marginal seats.
All the promises and plans are neatly shelved soon after the elections are over and the Indians are left with the crumbs that no one else wants. And they have short memories when a RM50 note is slipped into their hands.
Today, the socio-economic situation of this community is sliding faster than promises can be made and broken. It’s hard to forget the good times. Even harder the bad times.
Clever Voter: Indian votes are important to both sides, perhaps more so in marginal seats. Equally important are the unsolved issues of red identity card holders, and high unemployment in the Indian community.
But its population has been declining, and it would not be surprised if the total Indian Malaysian population is less than the total number of Bangladeshi workers in this country.
MIC, as in the case of MCA, only cares for those with access to power, and is another of those self-serving parties. They do not deserve the votes.
The voters, especially from the poor are maginalised, are ignored. They deserve the dignity and not allowed to be moved by cheap sweet talks from BN.
Hamzah Paiman: Indians give votes, BN breaks promises. This has been happening all through. Pity the Indian community. Many are poor but receive very little help.
The bright sparks are rarely given scholarships. All As and no scholarships or bursary. The deserving are not employed nor promoted in the civil service. Probably Pakatan Harapan may be able to help them.
Not Convinced: Exactly a year ago, MIC president S Subramaniam lambasted Penang Chief Minister Lim Guan Eng for giving a political speech at the Thaipusam festival at the Waterfall Temple.
Subra, wasn’t Zahid doing the same? Or is yet another case of double standards, BN-style?- Mkini

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