
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, September 11, 2019

Berita Pak Arab Bodoh : Arab Saudi Berperang Dengan UAE Pula Di Yemen, Situation Critical

  • Saudi / UAE talks to end power struggle  dead-end 
  • Saudi / UAE now gathering troops for further battle
  • rift between Saudi and UAE deepened

(OSTB : Berita bodoh bangang. Saudi and UAE FAILED TO ASK their own militia to stop fighting with each other - in Yemen !!)

Saudi-UAE intervened in Yemen in 2015
war has new front - UAE forces took Aden, base of Saudi forces
exposed simmering divisions between Saudi / UAE

UAE goal to create independent state in south of Yemen
UAE intervened last week to support anti Saudi forces

Saudi warned UAE "no alternative" 

(OSTB : Berita Pak Arab bodoh bangang betul. This is from Al Jazeera.  This is going to get worse. The UAE is continuing with its plan to split Yemen into two. One will be shia Yemen and the other will be pro UAE Yemen. 

The problem for Saudi Arabia lies in the fact that the Wahabi / Salafi Saudi Arabian army is clownish, cowardly and just plain stupid.  The UAE on the other hand has a regular Army with vast fighting experience. Few people know that the UAE Army has long served and fought against the Taliban in Afghanistan. They have seasoned troops who are fighting on the ground in Yemen - killing men, women and children. 

The UAE is using its superior military power to create a client state in 'south' Yemen.  Why they wish to do this is a mystery. The Bab al Mandeb will forever be protected by the US and Nato - so long as oil is a useful product. 

Perhaps the UAE is being held at ransom by Iran. Iran would benefit from a Shia controlled "north" Yemen - right beside the Saudi Arabian border.  This Yemen disaster has already proved to the world that the al Saud are just camel dung stuck under a table cloth.  They cannot even win a war against Houthi tribesmen wearing flip flop slippers and carrying AK47s. 

Saudi Arabia is toast. 

Trump holds all the cards. As Trump has said, without the USA's support Saudi Arabia will not last two weeks. 

Both the Al Saud and the Ayatollahs must go. 

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