
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Friday, September 20, 2019

Yoursay: Umno shoots own foot in RM480 ‘direct nego’ project claim

YOURSAY | ‘So typical of Umno, ever ready to bad mouth Harapan without checking the facts.’
Honma: We knew it all along this could be a direct negotiation by the previous crooked regime that they have conveniently forgotten and try to pin blame on the Pakatan Harapan government and Finance Minister Lim Guan Eng.
Lim is not stupid as he knows the crooks are waiting anxiously like a hawk for him to make a wrong move.
Harry Mou: Old man definitely has been influenced by the contractor thus instructed the Finance Ministry to renegotiate for a lower price.
Since the previous regime used limited/invited tender and not open tender, there must be something fishy going on with the project.
The project should have been re-tendered through open tender. Perhaps the government could have saved RM200 million or more (out of the original contract of RM530 million).
Now the question is, why the old man did it? Why not instruct for a retender?
PB: To cancel the contract at this time and re-tender would have incurred cancellation costs, plus payment for work already completed, and it might end up costing even more.
Harry Mou: If retendered, the cost savings will most likely be much higher than the cost of the cancellation and retender.
I have 25 years in international competitive bidding experience, I can sense the price is definitely doubled or more.
OKYOKYOKY: If Harapan cancelled all ongoing projects when they came in, it would set a terrible precedent. In the long run, it would hurt Malaysians.
Many contracts have multi-year terms. Short-term contracts can often cost a lot more and have more onerous payment terms.
Setting a bad precedent by cancelling all project regardless of merits would have repercussions on suppliers’ willingness to do business with the Malaysian government.
Save Our Currency: This is no issue. Price reduced. Work already has begun. About 15 percent saved.
Former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak should answer why the project is now cheaper by 15 percent. The last time, the contract was RM90 million extra.
David: This is so typical of Umno, ever ready to accuse and bad mouth Harapan without checking the facts thoroughly. Well done for slapping your own faces.
Notanonymous: For Umno, it looks like the spit is falling back on the face.
Vgeorgemy: As the accused in a multi-billion public theft said, this contract must be cancelled and the government pay the cost incurred based on the cost engineers report to reduce the contract price further.
The Klepto-theocracy alliance will support Harapan administration at least for once. There will be more such exposures with the leaders of the klepto-theocracy alliance to embarrass the accused.
Newday: Yes, and there is still much-deserved blame on BN. Their curse is still to be exorcised by this government.
Sixty years of BN, especially the last 10 becoming severely tainted and corrupted practices throughout, will take more than 16 months of the new government to change this.
The question is how much time does the Harapan government have in this regard? They are like a bunch of amateurs grabbing at random straws at the moment.
Regardless, I still put my faith in this government of amateurs over the BN of old any day. Come on Harapan, keep on grinding the old ways to dust.
Vote4changejohor: Irrespective of whether India’s prime minister Narendra Modi raised the issue of Zakir Naik with Prime Minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad, the extradition request by the Indian authority for Zakir Naik is there for all to see.
There is no need for Malaysia to protect Zakir Naik. Besides, Zakir Naik has insulted and made derogatory statements against the citizens of Malaysia.
It is time for Harapan to act firmly on its commitment to its citizens, and for Malaysia, by deporting this controversial preacher who incites hate instead of spreading peace and harmony.
Cynical: "He did mention about Zakir Naik, but he didn't ask that Zakir Naik be sent to India,” said Mahathir.
Modi must have said, "How is my good friend Zakir Naik doing? When will he be extradited?" To Mahathir, since Modi did not mention "Sent him to India", there is no such request.
Clongviews: We should read Mahathir in between the lines. Surely this can't be just mentioning Zakir Naik in passing. There is definitely more than that, and Mahathir is trying to avoid a head-on clash and play into the hands of PAS/Umno.
Hopefully, he is buying time to get rid of Zakir Naik in his foxy way.
Frankie: Mahathir has always raged against outsiders meddling in our national affairs, and now Mahathir himself is meddling into India's affair. What kind of leadership is he projecting?
DoIR: Zakir Naik, your government has put in an official request and now your foreign minister wants you back. Why do you refuse and continue to give your good host problems?
If you are a religious man with integrity and think you have done no wrong, then there is nothing to fear.
Face your court and clear your name rather than be in a situation where, like our PM says, you are not wanted by other countries. Of course, this is besides India, which wants you badly.
Real Truth: At least Modi raised Zakir Naik issue with Mahathir and implying that his officers will follow up on India’s request.
Mahathir has said that no country would want to accept Zakir Naik. Surely, no country wants to take him because of the extradition issue.
I wonder if Malaysian fugitive Jho Low was mentioned when Mahathir met Chinese president Xi Jinping. - Mkini

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