
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, October 13, 2019

Umno Is Doomed

This is going to be the second biggest act of persecution against its own citizens since the Nazi persecution of the Jews — and similar to what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. They will use “legal” laws to conduct criminal action against the Umno and Barisan Nasional people. And those who personally know Latheefa know she is a very spiteful and vindictive person who is very arrogant towards those she hates. And she hates Umno like there is no tomorrow.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
The Chief Commissioner of the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) is a PKR leader. She is a strong socialist (communist) who used to be a Parti Rakyat Malaysia (PRM) leader before PRM merged with Parti Keadilan Nasional (PKN) to become PKR. Latheefa Koya, in fact, was in charge of publishing PRM’s party newspaper, Suara Rakyat.
Tommy Thomas, the Attorney-General, is a strong opposition supporter. Before entering government service, he fought hard and long against the government in an attempt to bring back Chin Peng to Malaysia (and after Chin Peng died, he fought to bring back the Communist leader’s remains to be buried in Malaysia).

AG Tommy Thomas and Chin Peng are comrades-in-arms

The Inspector-General of Police (IGP) publicly confessed during a press conference he is a Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad hardcore who would never be disloyal to Mahathir even if you chop up his body into pieces. IGP Hamid Bador is like those Islamic State mujahids who are prepared to go on a suicide mission and die for the cause.
Lawyers say, justice must not only be done but must also be seen to be done. In this case, when the MACC Chief, the AG and the IGP are all opposition people who hate Umno and Barisan Nasional, and who are bent on destroying everyone and everything associated to Umno and Barisan Nasional, how can justice be seen to be done even if it were being done?
Islam views fitnah very seriously. Fitnah is so serious that it is listed as one of the seven severe crimes punishable under the Hudud laws alongside murder, robbery, etc. Islam also says we must not do anything that may trigger fitnah. For example, if a man is seen checking into a hotel with another woman other than his wife, that would trigger fitnah. Hence, under Islam, the man would be guilty of starting fitnah.
IGP Hamid Bador is a Mahathir loyalist who said he is prepared to die for the Prime Minister
In this case Latheefa Koya, Hamid Bador and Tommy Thomas are all seen as prejudiced against anyone and anything associated with Umno and Barisan Nasional. Hence whatever they do would be viewed as being done in bad faith or mala fide. They hate Umno and Barisan Nasional. They are hardcore Pakatan Harapan leaders or supporters. How can whatever they do be done in good faith or bona fide?
Yes, justice can never be seen to be done when these people act against Umno and Barisan Nasional. And the fact that Latheefa Koya is going after everyone with links to or are associated with Umno and Barisan Nasional shows she is on a witch-hunt.
Latheefa is using guilty by association as her motivation and yardstick. And where there is no proof they will fabricate the proof. Eventually every single Umno leader from the very top down to the branch level is going to be roped in and investigated for “receiving money from 1MDB”.

MACC Chief Latheefa is a socialist and a Pakatan leader who hates Umno and is going all out to destroy the party and everyone associated with the party

1MDB started 10 years ago. But even if you acquired certain properties and investments 20 years ago, long before there was a 1MDB, they are still going to go for you. MACC will ask you to prove the money DID NOT come from 1MDB. And if you cannot do that then they will say the money came from 1MDB.

Pakatan Harapan wants to make sure that by the next general election every single person linked to or associated with Umno and Barisan Nasional will be in jail or at the very minimum “tainted”. Travel bans have been imposed on “suspects” while the list of those added to be travel ban is increasing every day. Eventually not a single person linked to or associated with Umno and Barisan Nasional can leave the country.
This is going to be the second biggest act of persecution against its own citizens since the Nazi persecution of the Jews — and similar to what Israel is doing to the Palestinians. They will use “legal” laws to conduct criminal action against the Umno and Barisan Nasional people. And those who personally know Latheefa know she is a very spiteful and vindictive person who is very arrogant towards those she hates. And she hates Umno like there is no tomorrow.

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