
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, October 10, 2019

Was The Malay Dignity Congress A Trap Mahathir Walked Into?

Yes, under Malaysia “Lama” you can do and say all those nasty and derogatory things. Under Malaysia Baru you cannot even express your hopes and aspirations without being called a racist. There is definitely something very wrong with Malaysia Baru. Why not Pakatan Harapan just be honest and admit they made a mistake in supporting Mahathir and in putting him as Prime Minister instead of playing all these games?

Raja Petra Kamarudin
I have been receiving many “conspiracy theory” reports regarding the Malay Dignity Congress or Kongres Maruah Melayu from many quarters over the last few days. The most interesting of these theories is that this Congress was aimed at sabotaging Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad.
According to these “theorists”, Mahathir depends on Chinese support, not because the Chinese love him but because the Chinese are too ashamed to admit they made a mistake in supporting Mahathir against Najib Tun Razak, and made an even bigger mistake in appointing Mahathir as the Prime Minister.
The Chinese now recognise the fact that the country was better-managed under Najib in his nine years as Prime Minister compared to the last 17 months under Mahathir. The Chinese have also begun to realise that the 1MDB “disaster” is not really a disaster after all — and that even if it was the whole country was not being dragged down because of it.

Tawfik Ismail corrects DAP and says the rot in Malaysia only started when Mahathir became Prime Minister in 1981

Pakatan Harapan, of course — in particular Mahathir, Lim Kit Siang and Lim Guan Eng — keep saying that Malaysia is in trouble, Malaysia has no money, this cannot be done or that cannot be done, because Najib stole billions from 1MDB.
However, judging by developments in the ongoing 1MDB trial, it does not appear that any evidence is being unearthed that Najib did, in fact, steal billions from 1MDB. First of all, it appears that the so-called “evidence” is mere hearsay testimony, and even if the hearsay testimony is to be believed, it appears that a bunch of Chinese men/women are the real thieves.
Anyway, Malaysia seems to be having a large hole in its pocket. And the 1MDB “theft” is far smaller than that hole. So how can 1MDB be the cause? It is like you telling your bank you are unable to repay your RM1,000,000 loan because one of your salesmen ran away with RM10,000 of the company’s money. Only a fool will buy that story.

Shahrol Azral’s testimony in the 1MDB trial is all hearsay about what he heard or was told and so far he has shown no evidence that Najib stole any money

And the Chinese realise this. They know that the 1MDB “problem” is too small to bring down the entire country’s economy. There is a bigger reason for the country’s economic woes, far bigger than 1MDB. And that bigger problem is mismanagement of the economy since Pakatan Harapan took over 17 months ago in May 2018.
But how does Pakatan Harapan replace Mahathir with Anwar Ibrahim without admitting they made a mistake putting Mahathir as the Prime Minister? Malulah if they admit that. They also cannot use the excuse that Mahathir is mismanaging the economy because Guan Eng (meaning DAP) is the Finance Minister and Azmin Ali (meaning PKR) is the Economic Affairs Minister. They need a “stronger” excuse.
And this excuse is the “racist” Malay Dignity Congress or Kongres Maruah Melayu.
It is said those people behind this Congress are Anwar’s people pretending to be Mahathir’s supporters. And the reason they planned this Congress was to trap Mahathir. If this Congress is seen as a racist convention, and that Mahathir is behind it, the Chinese will want Mahathir ousted and replaced with Anwar.
DAP is too ashamed to admit they made a mistake in appointing Mahathir as the Prime Minister
At least when they make their move on Mahathir it will be seen as for noble reasons because Mahathir is supporting the Malay Supremacy or Ketuanan Melayu agenda. And that is why the mainstream and social media are playing up the Congress as racism. You can see the Chinese and Indians going to town condemning the Congress as an anti-Chinese and anti-Indian festival.
That is what the conspiracy theory gang is saying. Of course, there are many other theories but I thought that was the most interesting of the lot. Others say the Congress was aimed at dividing PAS and Umno while there are some who say Mahathir wanted to show Anwar that he (Anwar) may have DAP on his side, but he (Mahathir) has PAS and Umno with him.
Anyway, the Chinese and Indians — and Pakatan Harapan supporters — seem to have forgotten that they now live in Malaysia Baru. And, in Malaysia Baru, they propagate freedom of speech, freedom of thought, freedom of opinion, freedom of choice, freedom of association, etc. Hence this means there is nothing wrong with the Malay Dignity Congress or Kongres Maruah Melayu. It is absolutely kosher in a country that respects and practices various freedoms.

The Congress was held merely to express the hopes and aspirations of the Malays but the non-Malays call this racism

So how can the Congress be labelled as racism? The Congress did not say Malays are superior and better than non-Malays. The Congress did not say Malays are God’s chosen people. The Congress did not advocate ethnic-cleansing of the non-Malays. The Congress did not say Malays are first-class citizens while non-Malays are third-class citizens. The Congress just expressed the hopes and aspirations of the Malays.
Is it now wrong under Malaysia Baru to express your hopes and aspirations? That would mean Malaysia Baru is worse than the Barisan Nasional Malaysia of the 61 years before that.
Under Malaysia “Lama” you were allowed to whack Islamic Shariah laws, whack the Raja-Raja Melayu, call Malays immigrants from Indonesia, deny the existence of the Social Contract, condemn Bahasa Malaysia as a backward language, declare that Chinese education is more superior than Malay education, say that if not because of the Chinese and Indians the Malays would still be living in trees, call the Malays lazy, say that without the crutches or tongat the Malays would starve to death, and much more.
Yes, under Malaysia “Lama” you can do and say all those nasty and derogatory things. Under Malaysia Baru you cannot even express your hopes and aspirations without being called a racist. There is definitely something very wrong with Malaysia Baru. Why not Pakatan Harapan just be honest and admit they made a mistake in supporting Mahathir and in putting him as Prime Minister instead of playing all these games?

1 comment:

  1. RPK aka The loose Cannon. Boy, can he really spin a story. Used to be one of the 'comrades in arms' w/ him during the Badawi years. Cannot understand him any more. Yes, current PM was no saint before (though he did a lot of good for the country; he did more bad then) is making all the wrong moves lately but Najib was a better administrator? All the 1MDB shenanigans merely hearsay?

    Cari makan is one thing. But selling one's soul is another. How many times will a cannon ball be strucked before it's forever banned? Sad. So sad.


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