
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Thursday, February 27, 2020

WHY A UNITY GOVT CAN THROW OUT DR MAHATHIR - Mr Lim Kit Siang, Yeo Bee Yin You Are Mistaken About Tun Dr M And Anwar.

Yeo Bee Yin says the DAP is afraid that they cannot control Dr Mahathir. 
That is why they dont want Dr M as PM. 

Huh?  After TWO years have gone by? So far you have worked with him quite well. 

But what Yeo Bee Yin is actually saying is that the DAP feels more comfortable with Anwar. As I said a few days ago the DAP feels that they can "control" Anwar. 

Here is some news :

KL Feb 26 — Yeo Bee Yin said (PH) against non-partisan “Mahathir govt” 
would not be beholden to any party or coalition
effectively giving Dr M free rein to do as he wanted

Dr M would not have to consult any party or coalition 
could appoint PAS,  Umno leaders as ministers if he desired

Yeo decided to back PKR president Anwar 
despite previously saying it backed Dr Mahathir

Dr M refused to follow Bersatu and Azmin to form new govt with Umno and PAS

DAP thanked him for “refusing to work with corrupt Umno” 
also expressed support for Dr M continue as PM 

Mahathir received support from all parties to continue as PM
Mahathir wanted to form ‘unity government of individuals’

Now here is Mr Lim Kit Siang :

My comments :

So both Ms Yeo and Mr Lim are saying that Dr Mahathir will be a dictator. 
I disagree. I see a great opportunity here to really place people power in Parliament - for a change.

You see folks here is the real situation. This is factual. Dr Mahathir now has no party to lead. He is again Bersatu Chairman (thank you for update) but no more Pakatan Harapan Chairman. 

Dr Mahathir is now just an ordinary member of Bersatu.

Even if we count Bersatu MPs as fully supporting him, that is only 26 MPs (of which 13 are cross over MPs). 

And with the exit of Bersatu from Pakatan Harapan there is no more Pakatan Harapan.

Dr Mahathir is no more Chairman of Pakatan Harapan.

This means as a Prime Minister Dr Mahathir has  only 26 MPs from Bersatu who he should be able to rely on to support him in Parliament.

In Parliament (for example to approve the next Budget 2021) Tun Dr Mahathir cannot rely on the confirmed support of 222 - 26 = 196 MPs. 

Boleh faham kah? There is no more Pakatan Harapan. So 42 DAP MPs and 36 ?? PKR MPs need not vote for next year's Budget.

18 PAS MPs need not vote either. 

And if they dont like it, even the UMNO MPs, Warisan and GPS MPS need not vote for the next Budget. Dr Mahathir's unity government can collapse instantly.

It is even more riskier if the Cabinet is made up of non MPs. 
Or people who are not from the political parties like DAP, UMNO, Bersatu etc.

So we can have a situation where Non MPs, technocrats etc are the Cabinet Ministers.

But the power of legislation, approving the Budget etc remains in the hands of the MPs (especially those 196 non Bersatu MPs)  who technically have no allegiance to Dr M.

In other words Dr Mahathir is taking a very big risk here.

This is separation of powers at  quite its maximum.

Boleh faham tak? 

The Cabinet can be made up of Ministers who are not MPs.

But the next Budget 2021 (as one example) must be passed by MPs who are not represented in Cabinet.

So the MPs have nothing to lose if they vote against the Budget.

If the Budget is not approved by the majority MPs. the government will collapse.

Plus any other legislation proposed by the Ministers / Cabinet / government.

Here is another example.
Say Dr Mahathir is the Unity Government Prime Minister.
Say he chooses a non MP as the Minister of Home Affairs.
Say the Minister of Home Affairs proposes some legislation to solve the illegal aliens (Project IC) issue in Sabah.

The legislation must now be put to Parliament where the Prime Minister DOES NOT command the confirmed allegiance of all the MPs.

If the Home Minister is an MP lets say from Parti Warisan then immediately it becomes a partisan matter. All the political parties aligned with Warisan will be obliged to support the Home Minister.

But if the Home Minister is NOT an MP then he may not get partisan support.

This makes the Unity Government more answerable to Parliament.

More importantly this means the Cabinet must really be fully awake on the job. 
If the Cabinet comes up with stupid ideas like Flying Cars, kasut hitam, go jek etc the unity government can suffer an instant Vote of No Confidence.

There is also another larger meaning here. 
We may not need political parties anymore. 

Folks lets go for the unity government.

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