
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, November 28, 2020

Ex-Miss World Malaysia helps to feed urban poor in Kuching


Larissa Ping distributes food items to children in a village in Kuching, Sarawak. (Larissa Ping pic)

KUCHING: Miss World Malaysia 2018 Larissa Ping has managed to raise RM11,000 in less than 24 hours through her social media account to feed the urban poor in Kuching.

Ping was undergoing 14 days’ mandatory quarantine at a hotel here after returning home from Kuala Lumpur last month when the idea struck her.

“I was thinking about how the pandemic had affected everyone, especially the needy families, single mothers with young children, elderly parents or disabled family members, and I knew I had to do something.

Food items being unloaded from a vehicle for distribution among the villagers.

“I shared about it on my social media account and managed to identify five locations suggested by followers – Kampung Chawan Pendam, Kampung Sadir, Kampung Simuti, Kampung Sibuang and Kampung Sibakar – where the poor families live.

“Initially, I had targeted about RM7,000 but it reached RM11,000 in less than 24 hours.

“I had to stop the donations after that because I could only commit to the project until December due to my studies. I didn’t want to keep the public’s funds for too long,” the Universiti Malaya law student told FMT.

Larissa (in black) and other volunteers.

Ping said it took her about two weeks to order, pack and distribute the aid packages, which consisted of rice, canned food, biscuits, diapers, milk powder, sanitary pads, detergent, salt and sugar.

They were packed in boxes of different sizes, each consisting of items worth RM100, RM150 or RM200, and given to families depending on how many members they have.

One of the four villages picked by Larissa for her food aid project.

Part of the donations was also used to help students sitting for online classes who could not afford to pay for their internet data.

Ping, 21, said she was still modelling and hosting events but would prioritise her studies besides doing charity work.

“I want to be a role model for youths, and share important issues and news with my online followers so we can still help each other despite not being physically present,” she said. - FMT

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