
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, October 17, 2021

Islam Says Katak Is Good


Oh, and Islam says in the afterlife you will follow your imam. If your imam goes to heaven you will go to heaven and if your imam goes to hell you will go to hell. So be very careful who you choose as your imam and make sure your imam’s kiblat is facing the right direction.


Raja Petra Kamarudin

Islam considers the hijrah as the most important event in history. In fact, the Islamic calendar starts from the year of the hijrah (just like the western calendar is supposed to start from the year of the birth of Jesus Christ).

Hijrah is not just about the physical journey from the land of the oppressed to the land of the free (which is how the United States of America came into being), but a spiritual, mental and attitude transformation or ‘journey’.

If you are now in kufur, fasiq, munafiq, munkar, zalim, etc., mode, Islam encourages you to leave that state of a lost soul and return to the right path.

Islam also makes it mandatory to resist oppression, persecution, injustice, discrimination, and all forms of evil behaviour. Hence jihad or the struggle against evil is mandatory or wajib on all Muslims — amar makruf nahi munkar.

Most Malays consider Islam as the performing of the rituals such as praying, fasting, etc. That is rudimentary Islam and a very small part of Islam, more for a seven-year-old child to do. Islam puts greater importance on transformation and reformation, or what is called hijrah or the journey to a higher level.

Hindus and Buddhists understand this better. Malays, however, appear lost on the concept. Most things to the Malays are physical and not spiritual. That is why I am more fascinated by Hinduism and Buddhism and is also why I took an Oxford University course to study the world religions.

Oh, and Islam says in the afterlife you will follow your imam. If your imam goes to heaven you will go to heaven and if your imam goes to hell you will go to hell. So be very careful who you choose as your imam and make sure your imam’s kiblat is facing the right direction.

And if your imam is walking down the wrong road then hijrah or katak to another direction and do not follow your imam into hell in the afterlife — because this is the job of Satan, to lead you down the wrong road into hell. Okay, so they will call you a katak. But a ‘katak’ label is far better than an ‘Ahli Neraka’ label.

By the way, the Muslim belief in Neraka or Naraka is a Hinduism and Buddhism doctrine.

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