
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Wednesday, November 10, 2021

Kepercayaan Kepada Bomoh Bukti Bodoh

  • called on Malay community to take lesson from the case 
  • stop consulting bomohs, it was against Islamic teachings
  • Pahang mufti Rahman Osman advised Muslims against bomohs
  • it is against Islam

  • father of navy cadet blamed son’s death on bomoh who accused him 
  • “My son is the victim of an accusation” 
  • The bomoh took a stab in the dark. He had no proof . .”
student at UPNM died after suffering 90 burn wounds from steam iron
He was attacked by students who believed bomoh’s claim
During murder trial in May 2018, bomoh told court he received signs 
He said he saw visions, the signs were from his own intuition

  • bomoh is father of one of six students charged with murder
  • Nov 2 Court sentenced six to 18 years in jail for causing death
  • convicted of culpable homicide not amounting to murder
  • three-year jail sentence on 12 other students, including bomoh's son
  • Justice Azman said 90 burn wounds caused death but not premeditated murder

  • was tortured for two days in a row
  • Two days in a row. Was there really no intent? 
  • Attorney-General appealed against the Court’s ruling

(OSTB : "but not premeditated murder" ?? I think the judge has gone seriously wrong. Auta. The boy was burned with a hot iron 90 TIMES OVER TWO DAYS. He was slowly tortured to death over two days based on a bomoh's false accusations. 

Here is the question : Has that laptop been found yet? The answer is NO. Someone else stole the laptop. The thief who stole the laptop is still walking free. Or was the laptop even stolen at all - in the first place.

Hello Mr Justice Azman think about it this way - if the boy had indeed "stolen" the laptop surely he would have told them so the moment they burned him with that hot iron. But despite being burned with a hot iron 90 times over two days the boy still did not say that he had stolen the laptop.  

And even after burning him just once with the hot iron those murderous boys would have realised it as well. The boy was not confessing. Meaning he did not steal the laptop.  Even in the Hollywood movies John Rambo would have confessed to stealing a laptop if they had burned him with a hot iron for two days. No one can withstand torture and being burned 90 times with an iron for TWO DAYS.

The boy could not tell them where was the laptop, so why did they still continue burning him with a hot iron for TWO days? 

I say Mr Justice Azman there was something else going on there and it was not about the laptop. I think your Court has failed to discover what really went on with the murder of this innocent boy. He was certainly victimised but for what exactly? The Law has a duty to find out.

  • called on Malay community to take lesson from the case 
  • stop consulting bomohs, it was against Islamic teachings
  • it could cause divisions, enmity “and even death”
  • Pahang mufti Rahman Osman advised Muslims against bomohs
  • it is against Islam

OSTB :  I have a bomoh story which I have mentioned before. A long time ago I had some friends in Senawang, Negeri Sembilan who were being "bullied" by some bomoh anak sundal living in their neighborhood.  I believe he had been marketing his services but there were not enough 'customers'. Mainly because my friends there (who read the Quran) did not believe in his bullshit. So the bomoh monkey was going around "frightening" the people with stories about his 'supernatural powers'.   My friends told me and some others about this bomoh monkey. So we told them to invite the bomoh monkey to their house in Senawang and we would come too.  When we met the bomoh monkey was impressed - because there we were, bankers, accountants and businessmen from Kuala Lumpur -  who he thought he could easily fool, and make some money.  Sure enough he began talking about his supernatural powers.  He said he could 'bawa turun' - implying he could "summon the spirits". So I told him if he could he perform a "bawa turun" now? He said yes. So we all sat down in a circle. I knew the anak sundal was bullshitiing. Having studied some psychology at the university and having read Bertrand Russell's "power of the kings and priests" (it was all based on bullshit) I also knew how to handle this bomoh monkey. Just break his fake aura. So I purposely got up and sat down exactly in front of him - I told him I did not want to miss anything when the "spirits came down".  Then he began to slap his thighs and recite this really stupid, monkey shit mantra. It really sounded like 'pap kali pop, pop kali pap'.   Exactly like in the P Ramlee movies. And of course nothing happened. No "spirits" came down. I gave him sufficient time to perform his bullshit and then interrupted him pointedly "Tak ada apa pun bang. Depa tak mahu turun ke?"  He was already embarrassed.  To really beat the dead horse I asked him 'Boleh buat sekali lagi tak'? Only then he realised that his fraud was being exposed. And then to everyone's surprise he just got up and left the house. And he was never seen in that neighborhood after that. Problem solved.

The Malay people really must get rid of this stupidity. This can be done very easily. Just get a TV camera and record all the bullshit these people do and show it on prime time TV. Expose the stupidity. Too many Malays including politicians, university professors and prime ministers (including first ladies) believe in the bomoh stupidity. Or the stupidity of the bomoh. To be impressed by the stupidity of the bomoh you yourself must be really stupid. It is evidence of stupidity. A stupid people believing in stupidity. 

Back to the murder of that boy, the Court has really erred in saying it was manslaughter with no premeditation.

As the boys mother has said how can you say there was no premeditation when they burned him with a hot iron OVER TWO DAYS nonstop which the Judge then said was the cause of death.   TWO DAYS of burning someone with a hot iron until he died is certainly premeditation. They knew what they were doing.

And dont forget - the real thief is still walking free.  The Law has a duty to investigate and find out who was the real thief.  And what was the real reason the boy was tortured and killed by 18 fellow students? Something else was going on.

Artikel ini adalah pandangan penulis dan tidak semestinya mewakili MMKtT.

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