
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, March 29, 2022

Surprise : China Already Has SEVEN Carriers, Another TEN More On The Way

 China has THREE full sized aircraft carriers - Liaoning, Shandong, Type 003 and the fourth Type 004 (launching soon). These are full sized carriers weighing over 66,000 tons with a flight deck about 900 feet or longer. The Type 004 will be just over 1000 feet long and possibly weigh 100,000 tons. 

Two more full sized carriers are said to be in their plans to make a total of SIX aircraft carriers. 
But aside from the full sized carriers China has also built THREE medium sized carriers - aka light carriers or pocket carriers in the 40,000 ton, 800 foot range. These are the Type 075 LHD (Landing Helicopter Dock) - a rather confusing name because the Type 075 can ultimately function as well as any aircraft carrier. You can see in the picture here that the Type 075 looks like an aircraft carrier.

The carrier has a displacement of 40,000 ton and length of almost 800 feet. FIVE more are being built.

In comparison the French aircraft carrier Charles De Gaulle is 858 feet long, and displaces 40,000 tons too. The sole Indian carrier also displaces 40,000 tons and is 860 feet long.

The Chinese have already launched THREE of these Type 075 medium carriers. 

So FOUR heavies plus THREE Type 075 adds up to SEVEN carriers - all floating on water (except Type 004 which will likely be launched this year).

Then the Chinese have also begun construction (of possibly three more) larger medium sized carriers known as the Type 076.  These carriers will be 843 feet long and weigh 45000 tons.



With at least two more full sized carriers in their plans, the People's Liberation Army Navy or PLAN will have a fleet of at least 17 carriers. 

The US Navy has 11 aircraft carrier strike groups at the moment but usually 2 - 4 of their carriers are in for maintenance.  The following map shows SIX carrier groups being deployed as of yesterday 28 March 2022:

The Chinese Navy is focussed on coastal defense, the western Pacific, the South China Sea, Straits of Melaka and parts of the Indian Ocean. The biggest threat to keeping their trade routes open are the three culprits the US, UK and Australia.  The Chinese Navy has no beef with Japan or India.

With 17 carriers or more the Chinese Navy (PLAN) is going to have an overwhelming presence in their theatre of operations.

What is more relevant are the types of weaponry the Chinese can mount on their naval ships.  Asides from advanced jet fighters, jet drones (UCAVs) and rail guns the Chinese (and Russians) already have hypersonic missiles which cannot be stopped by any anti missile system existing today.  With this type of firepower the Chinese Navy (or PLAN)  will be in a position to declare 'No Navigation Zones' without having to fire a shot. The Americans and their deputy sheriffs better watch out.

We have to keep track of these developments. 

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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