
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, November 26, 2023


 Since 27th October 2023 intense fighting has broken out across Myanmar. Different ethnic rebels (who populate different parts of the country) are coordinating their armed resistance against the military junta that seized power in Myanmar.

Overview. On 1 February 2021 the Myanmar military (also known as the Tatmataw) launched a coup against the civilian government, declaring the results of the November 2020 general election invalid and instating a one-year state of emergency



Having observed Burma and then Myanmar since the 1970s, Myanmar is a very sick country. Myanmar has always been the Sick Man of ASEAN. Myanmar will continue to be a very sick country for a very long time to come. Their traditional and cultural beliefs have a very strong grip on the people and will continue to keep them back.There is insufficient modern and scientific thinking in their society. The people are literally tribal people.

Ethnic Groups :  The government officially recognizes 135 indigenous ethnic groups in Myanmar, grouped into eight national races: Burman, Kachin, Kayah, Karen, Chin, Mon, Rakhine and Shan.

Languages :  The official and most widely spoken language in Myanmar is Burmese, but the minority ethnic groups use their own languages. English became the official language during the colonial period.

The Myanmar man in the interview speaks good English. English is easy to understand, it has many advantages, anyone can speak English without having to feel any embarrasment. If the Kachin cannot understand the Rakhine and vice versa, English could bridge the gap.

The late Mr Lee Kuan Yew said in his biography that in the 1960s he expected two Asian countries to become the earliest among developed and advanced countries in Asia. He mentioned Ceylon and Burma. Both countries became basket cases. Ceylon changed their name to Sri Lanka and Burma changed their name to Myanmar.

Mr Lee said that both Sri Lanka and Myanmar changed a perfectly good and well functioning English based education system and switched it to an ethnic based education system. Pretty soon the entire administration, government, judiciary all dropped English and switched to their native language.  Nothing really wrong with that except their native languages were not equipped to fast forward the society into the 20th century.  That sealed the fate of both Sri Lanka and Myanmar.

Myanmar has a long, long way to go.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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