
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, November 26, 2023




  • Geert Wilders anti-Islam firebrand known as Dutch Donald Trump
  • shock for Europe, Geert Wilders records massive win
  • Wilders won huge general election victory  
  • stunning lurch to far right for nation once famed beacon of tolerance
  • result will send shock waves through Europe
  • far-right ideology on the rise 
  • Wilders possibly first far-right prime minister of Netherlands
  • Wilders’ Party for Freedom to win 37 seats in 150-seat parliament 
  • “Can you imagine it? 37 seats!” he said to cheers.
  • Wilders got standing ovation when he met his lawmakers
  • Wilders’ program include referendum on Netherlands leaving EU 
  • total halt to accepting asylum-seekers 
  • migrant pushbacks at Dutch borders
  • also advocates “de-Islamization” of Netherlands
  • He wants no mosques or Islamic schools in the country
  • His victory based on his campaign to curtail migration 
  • the issue that caused last governing coalition to quit in July
  • many people focused on one particular problem - immigration
  • that’s what people voted for, immigration
  • in victory speech Wilders wants to end “asylum tsunami”
  • “Dutch will be No. 1 again,” Wilders said
  • “The people must get their nation back”

  • historic victory one year after (right wing)  Giorgia Meloni won Italy
  • right wing prime minister Viktor Orban won elections in Hungary 
  • boasts of turning Hungary into an “illiberal” state 
  • harsh stances on migration and EU institutions
  • Orban quick to congratulate Wilders
  • "winds of change are here! Congratulations” Orban said

  • latest elections altering European political landscape
  • Slovakia, Spain, Germany, Poland hard-right parties triumphed
  • Wilders’ victory “clear sign Netherlands wants something different”                    

My Comments :   Indeed there appears to be a right wing surge in Europe. In France, anti-Islamist politician Marine Le-Pen is gaining in popularity and could very well be the next French president. 

Gloria Meloni in Italy is considered right wing and the far right parties have won local elections in Italy as well.  Viktor Orban is another  right wing anti-immigration leader who is now prime minister of Hungary. 

But Geert Wilders certainly takes the cake because Wilders has been consistently (for the past 20 years) and patiently preaching against the steady rise of 'Islamo-fascism' in the Netherlands and increasing immigration inflows as well.

Obviously the Dutch voters have finally caught up with Geert Wilders concerns. Caught up meaning they agree with what he has been saying.

Wilders did not win an absolute majority but as the single largest party he gets first crack at forming the government.

If Wilders goes through with the referendum on Holland leaving the EU, it will be the end of the EU. As well as the end of US presence in Europe.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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