
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, November 26, 2023

Sirul Azhar Umar On Al Jazeera - Well It Raises Even More Questions

 "failure to call for the cross-examination of Najib's aide"


Here is that hot video from Al Jazeera. Do listen to it first.

The thing I want to point out first and foremost is that cars are much cheaper in Australia than in Malaysia. That boy is driving an Audi. If the car is theirs where did they get the money to buy it? 

Sirul says he does not know who paid his legal fees both in Malaysia and now in Australia. This means that 17 years after the death of Altantuya there are still people willing to pay money.  That is massive staying power and money power. (I recall when the Altantuya story broke I was in Gua Musang in Kelantan, having lunch at that popular 'steamed fish' restaurant there. Someone received a call about the Altantuya murder.)

In this interview Sirul points the finger at Najib for ordering the hit. In 2019 Azilah Hadri said the same thing:


But now Sirul says that he DID NOT TAKE PART in Altantuya's murder. He says his job on that fateful night was to grab Altantuya and then he handed her over alive to that other Policeman. And his duties ended there. Mary Ann Jolley of Al Jazeera should have asked Sirul where did he go after that? Did he go home? Did he go to the mamak shop for a teh tarik? Just a follow-up conversation.

This statement by Sirul completely changes the entire story. And to his credit the Court of Appeal in Malaysia did acquit both Sirul and Azilah Hadri of the murder charges.

Sirul and Azilah were acquitted on 23 August 2013 by the Court of Appeal. Several reasons were given for the acquittal such as the failure of the prosecution to provide a strong motive for the two men to murder the victim and the failure to call for the cross-examination of Najib's aide Musa Safri and Najib Razak

Do you all recall those "wild accusations" thrown up by Raja Petra Kamaruddin about who were the people who were present at that oil palm estate that night? I am not saying RPK was correct. But I think you will agree with me that the full story is being hidden from us. After 17 years who is paying Sirul's legal fees in Australia? Why? Who paid for that Audi?

Al Jazeera says clearly that Altantuya was pregnant. That is a mighty big statement for Al Jazeera to make. But this is exactly what Raja Petra said 17 years ago as well - that Altantuya was pregnant. If she was pregnant who was the father?   Is that why the forensics team went back to the blast site again? To look for more "tissue samples" - to help identify the father?

Exactly how many people were present on that nite when Altantuya was murdered? Who were they?

"Azilah then led them to another open space about 30 feet from the location where Altantuya’s body was blown up.  Koh said Azilah told him: “This is the spot where the Mongolian woman was shot.”

So she was shot in one spot and then her body was moved about 30 feet where it was blown up. Why? Why shoot her in one spot and then move the body 30 feet? Why carry a dead and bloody body 30 feet? Who moved her? How? Did they drag the body? Did they pick it up?

Was she shot in a spot that was more easily accessible to whoever was present? Then she was blown up in a spot that was less accessible?  So many questions.

saw burnt and dead trees”  from the effects of the explosion. The oil palm trees in the area were burnt from the base to the top of the trees. It was a real demolition.

They did not just use a small amount of explosives (which they had pinched off from their training exercise to make fish bombs ha ha ha! How stupid can you get?) 

Altantuya was not blown up using C4 plastic explosives. "lab results confirmed the explosives used was PETN and RDX, a type of explosive used in quarries"

So exactly who brought those explosives?

Exactly how many people were present on that nite when Altantuya was murdered? Who were they?

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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