
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, April 8, 2024

From one Muslim to another: Muslims should display exemplary qualities free from ‘dakwah’, conversion elements


MUSLIMS need to learn good deeds and good neighbourliness without the motive of conversion.

If someone is being nice to you as a neighbour, reciprocate and pray for their well-being – not pray for them to one day become Muslims.

Will you like it if your Christian neighbours to harbour feelings for you to convert to their religion while they are nice to you and shower you with gifts?

Similarly, be nice to your neighbours as a genuine act because Islam advocates good neighbourliness – not because your act of goodness will draw them to one day become Muslims.

The “dakwah (preaching) mindset” destroys a good act because it is not genuine. True dakwah (as a calling to Islam) is a good act borne out of sincerity as a witness to being a good Muslim because the religion expects it out of us as Muslims.

It does not have an ulterior motive such as expecting the other person to become a Muslim.

If you have the ulterior motive of conversion, your good deed will be nullified by your very belief that you will be saved in the hereafter but not that non-Muslim neighbour of yours.

The Ubudiah Mosque in Perak (Image credit: Going Places/Malaysia Airlines)

This is hubris, a kind of holier-than-thou attitude that kills a good deed. On matters of salvation, only God has the knowledge and power over our ultimate destiny. You have no business to pity others and assume that you are saved.

Our task on earth is to be a good person. On matters of belief, we assume good of others and leave it to individual choices.

Let God guides whoever He wants. God Himself told the Holy Prophet: “You surely cannot guide whoever you like (O Muhammad), but it is Allah Who guides whoever He wills, and He knows best who are guided.” (Q.28:56)

Be good for goodness in-itself. Not for some ulterior motive. This is what I believe I am commanded as a Muslim. My God is not a tribal God. His Mercy encompasses all. – Focus Malaysia

This opinion was lifted from a recent Facebook post by digital creator Mohamed Imran Mohamed Taib. Social activist and human rights lawyer Siti Kasim has described Imran as follows: “These are the type of Muslims that I like. True Islam.  Thank you, brother. ❤️

The views expressed are solely of the author and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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