
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, April 8, 2024

Mirror, mirror on the wall who is the dumbest of them all? Anthony Loke, Yeo, Gobind? Who?

 "why use its influence to build a better Malaysia that was promised? .. just stay and be part of a clueless, incompetent, ethno-religious, apartheid gomen"

Former diplomat Dennis Ignatius has written this at his blog:

You can click on this link to read the original article :   


I have substantially "adapted" and changed it.  A lot of Dennis' original is here but I have significantly reworded it. Here goes :

DAP sec-gen Anthony Loke admitted dissatisfaction in DAP 
he says quitting Madani jihadi gomen not best option for DAP
Madani jihad would lose its majority - “not what we want right now”
disappointment with Madani jihadi gomen 
not possible to sew an ear from a silk purse (a non halal joke)

people fed up - DAP not true to its principles 
fooling people for more than 50 years
did not expect DAP to kiss UMNO's behind
Madani jihad gone off course, no reform agenda
closing both eyes to racial and religious fires UMNO starting
NO effective leadership 
leadership clearly lacking within Madani jihadi gomen 
DAP under Loke’s leadership is failing, failing, failing 
DAP sitting on its hands, kept silent
offered lames excuses for failures of Madani jihadi gomen
gomen remains clueless and directionless

(OSTB : This is a very diplomatic way of saying stupid, dumb, idiotic.)

Its legislative agenda is in shambles
Its reform agenda is a joke
Its economic agenda is vague
Fighting corruption is little more than a farce
MACC has been weaponised against political enemies
friends and allies get DNAAs and reduced sentences
UMNO wreaks havoc unchecked
UMNO exploits racial and religious issues

DAP does not care about deteriorating condition  
DAP does not show leadership
does not want to offend partners in Madani jihadi gomen
DAP no longer capable of providing effective leadership

the price of power is to say nothing, do nothing 
for fear of upsetting UMNO
then surely DAP is better off NOT leaving

why use its influence to build a better Malaysia that was promised? 
just stay and be part of a clueless, incompetent, ethno-religious, apartheid gomen

  • In 2001 Dr M declared Malaysia Islamic state 
  • DAP excoriated MCA, Gerakan for not protesting Dr M 
  • Today, DAP is tacit enabler to something far more troubling 
  • Madani Islamist agenda
  • strategy of not provoking UMNO to get better deal for minorities 
  • made things worse for everyone, Malays included
  • we are all paying the price
  • growing disappointment, disillusionment, dissatisfaction of DAP members
  • voters CANNOT distinguish Madani jihadi gomen 
  • So Mr. Loke please remain a mute witness

adapted from Dennis Ignatius |Kuala Lumpur | 8th April 2024

My Comments : 

This is the second time the DAP is screwing up. The DAP first made it to the Federal Gomen in 2018. Then they screwed up. And they got kicked out in 2020. 

A Chinese woman I met complained about the no plastic bags policy that was introduced by the DAP Ministers when they came into power in 2018. "How can I sell my chicken rice without using plastic bags?"

Apparently someone found a turtle swimming with a plastic straw stuck in its nose.  The DAP believes in the fake global warming scam.

And it totally increases the cost of living for the consumer. Now I have to pay 20 sen extra for each plastic bag at the supermarket. Or RM2 for the bigger plastic bags - which tear up after using them three or four times. They dont care for the people.

Now the whole renewable energy scheme is a scam. It is a bigger scam because it involves billions of Ringgit. Big money involved.  And again renewable energy is insanely expensive for the consumer. Our electricity bills will go up.  They dont care for the people. 

In 2018 the DAP Minister announced the Sedition Act was abolished. Not true. After a few weeks the Sedition Act was back. 

Now after coming back into power in 2022 they have even 'strengthened' the Sedition Act.

The Star, Wednesday 27 March, 2024 - The Sedition Act 1948 used in 28 cases in 2023, a 65% increase from 2022 says Suaram. 

And this was without UMNO playing up the race and religion card.

They do not have the people's interest at heart.

The Sedition Act is super important for the Melayu corporate interests as well. The pirates. Without the Sedition Act the people, especially the Malays, can start criticising and questioning why you gave this billion Ringgit project to this fellow or to that fellow. They cannot get charged under the Sedition Act.

Abolishing the Sedition Act will definitely create more honest men in the country but along the process it will certainly embarrass the politicians and at least one of the Rs. So why is the DAP playing along with this game? Whose interests is the DAP protecting?

Anthony the Bloke now says the Puspakom motor vehicle inspection monopoly "may be" ended. Other companies will be allowed to provide the vehicle inspection services (VISPS). But there is a big catch - any interested company must have a Paid Up Capital of RM5.0 Million !!

"stringent guidelines set for new VISPs, including requirements such as RM10 million in authorised capital and RM5 million in paid-up capital. Clearly, the arena has been reserved for the “big boys”.."

You have just made a tepi-jalan business (with low technology and little value added) into a multi-million Ringgit corporate business. Only the "big boys" will be able to participate. You will create yet another oligopoly in Malaysia. The costs will keep going up for the consumer.

At the end of the day money talks loudest. And the bigger the money the louder the talk.

Principles? What is a Principle?  There is a brand of women's underwear.

You wear it to cover your backside. The DAP will need XXL size. Not in stock.

Conclusion : Lets wait for the Kuala Kubu Bahru by-election on May 11, 2024. Nomination date is on April 27th.

Can the DAP retain their 'three term' State seat? This time they may lose the seat. Maybe even lose badly.  The Indian vote has disappeared. The Chinese vote is none too happy. The Malay vote never was. The Chinese may not come out to vote in full force. The Malay and Indian vote will come out in full force. 

UMNO and PKR are now the walking dead. At the next GE both UMNO and PKR will be wiped out clean. The DAP may have to negotiate with PN, Sarawak and Sabah to be part of any gomen. Not a great position to be in. Or the DAP can sit in the Opposition again - for a very long time.

Few people get a second chance. The DAP is blowing theirs. 

The views expressed are those of the writers and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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