
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, June 23, 2024

Disel Kekal RM2.15 Di Sabah Dan Sarawak Pula.



  • Sabah, S'wak, Labuan diesel remains subsidised at RM2.15.
  • Gomen decision to exempt S'wak, Sabah from diesel rationalisation 
  • not due to demands from both states

OSTB : If S'wak and Sabah did not demand exemption then why force them to accept exemption?

  • Instead it was because gomen understood situation in two states
  • we exempted because many people in both states still depend on diesel 

OSTB : What a stupid thing to say. Then what about the people in other states? They  "still depend on diesel' even more than Sabah and S'wak.

  • "..we deferred rationalisation in Sabah, Swak 
  • it may not be possible since diesel widely used here

OSTB : What kind of logic is this? So if the diesel is "widely used" then no need to cut subsidies? Kenapa dunggu sangat?

To critics come to S'wak, Sabah and understand the situation 

OSTB : What is there to understand? Come to Perak and understand the situation in Perak first. Or come to Kelantan. Or come to Johor. What is so special about Sabah and Sarawak?

Hari itu depa tak reti kira. Depa kata setiap hari ada juta-juta liter disel di smuggle keluar. Bila Isham Jalil explain tidak possible untuk smuggle begitu banyak diesel keluar dari negara kita setiap hari depa sudah tak ulang kenyataan bodoh itu.

Kemudia dia tak faham niaga. Dia nak jual saham syarikat GLC yang berniaga monopoli dalam domestic market kepada pak arab onta dan mat salleh Amerika. Kalau nak bawa masuk foreign investor pastikan foreign investor itu :

1. tahu niaga dan boleh bersaing di pasaran antarabangsa
2. bukan cari 'niaga monopoli' untuk senang cap duit
3. mereka boleh buka pasaran baru bagi produk Malaysia
4. mereka boleh bawa masuk teknoloji baru
5. mereka boleh bawa modal mereka sendiri
6. mereka boleh buka peluang pekerjaan yang baru dan lumayan.

Apakah jadah punya bodoh jual syarikat GLC monopoli kita kepada pak arab onta dan mat salleh Amerika? Syarikat GLC monopoli itu bukan syarikat ekspot pun. Dia niaga dalam negeri - dia niaga dalam domestic market. 

Kalau masih tak faham, cuba suruh taukeh monopoli beras itu jual saham dia kepada pak arab onta atau mat salleh. Ingat dia setuju kah?

Dan sekarang pula dia tak faham ekonomi negara.  Sarawak sebenarnya menduduki tempat no. 4 dalam sumbangan negeri kepada GDP negara. 

Sarawak's contribution of RM140 billion puts it in fourth place, behind Selangor (RM422 billion), Kuala Lumpur (RM263 billion) and Johor (RM142 billion). 4 May 2024

Sabah pula entah duduk tangga nombor berapa? 

Maksudnya Selangor, Kuala Lumpur dan Johor yang lagi besar sumbangan mereka kepada GDP ekonomi negara memerlukan dan menggunakan lagi banyak disel daripada Sarawak dan Sabah.

Jadi ikut kepala hotak dia yang kata:

  • since diesel widely used here
  • many people in both states still depend on diesel
  • To critics come to S'wak, Sabah and understand the situation

datanglah tengok sendiri di Selangor, Johor dan WP Kuala Lumpur. Diesel is more widely used here than in Sarawak or Sabah. The people in Johor, Selangor and KL depend on diesel much more than the people in Sarawak or Sabah.

Among the states Selangor, Kuala Lumpur and Johor are the top three largest contributors to the country's GDP - ahead of Sarawak and Sabah.

And then he says Sarawak and Sabah did not demand to be exempted from the diesel subsidy rationalisation. 

Selangor, Johor and KL also did not demand to be exempted. 
So why the special treatment for Sarawak and Sabah?

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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