
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, June 23, 2024

Khairuddin wants police, MACC to probe Apandi over 1MDB

Khairuddin Abu Hassan has urged the police and MACC to conduct criminal investigations against former attorney-general Mohamed Apandi Ali over the 1MDB scandal.

The ally to former prime minister Dr Mahathir Mohamad said he was puzzled why Apandi had not been charged in court.

This was after the justice system already found former prime minister Najib Abdul Razak guilty and sentenced the latter to jail over crimes involving 1MDB, he added.

Khairuddin (above) alleged that Apandi was complicit in the crimes and had abused his power by attempting to cover up the scandal.

“The police and MACC should reopen their investigations and take action against Apandi, who had been complicit and tried to cover up the 1MDB scandal from public knowledge at the time (when Apandi was in office),” Khairuddin said in a statement today.

He said when Apandi was in office, the then attorney-general made several public statements claiming there was no crime committed in the 1MDB issue.

Ex-AG Mohamed Apandi Ali

Those acts should not be forgiven as the scandal had caused the country to suffer losses in the billions of ringgit, the Muafakat Nasional supreme council member added.

“In my personal view, Apandi betrayed the citizens of this country in (his actions) involving the 1MDB scandal, which has already been proven in the country’s High Court, Court of Appeal, and the Federal Court.

“Apandi was a civil servant who failed to carry out his responsibilities professionally and was dishonest,” he said.

Arrested under Sosma, Penal Code

In comparison, Khairuddin pointed out that he was arrested under the Security Offences (Special Measures) Act (Sosma) for trying to bring the 1MDB issue to public attention.

He said the authorities had arrested and charged him under the security law for lodging reports on the misappropriation of 1MDB funds in Singapore, Hong Kong, France, Switzerland, the UK, and the United States.

“This is the kind of law that we have in our country today.

“The police and MACC should indict Apandi who was dishonest and betrayed the interest and future of our country, which caused our taxpayers to have to repay billions of ringgit in debt incurred by the 1MDB scandal.”

Earlier in 2015, during the BN administration under Najib, Khairuddin made numerous reports in the country and overseas over the losses suffered by 1MDB.

This led to the authorities detaining the former Umno member under Section 124C of the Penal Code on Sept 18, 2015.

Upon his release several days later on Sept 23, Khairuddin was rearrested under Sosma and charged under Section 124L of the Act on Oct 12, for alleged sabotage of financial institutions.

However, on May 12, 2017, the Kuala Lumpur Sessions Court acquitted the former Batu Kawan Umno division leader of the criminal charge.

Khairuddin then filed and won a lawsuit over his 62-day detention. In its ruling, the Kuala Lumpur High Court awarded Khairuddin RM300,000 in damages. - Mkini

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