
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Thursday, June 20, 2024


 Many ordinary citizens around the world, including in Malaysia, do not realise how much they are paying more for their consumer items, their motor vehicles and a million other goods that they consume because Iran has effectively shut down the Suez Canal. Iran is supplying missiles and technology to the Houthis in Yemen  which the Houthis are using to sink ships that sail in the Red Sea, headed towards the Suez Canal. Here is a short video:


Insurance rates and freight rates have skyrocketed because ships are now avoiding the Suez Canal and are sailing around the southern tip of Africa to get to and from Europe to Asia. Old sailing ship days style.

Sailing around Africa adds an extra 4000 plus nautical miles (extra 7,000 km) to the journey plus an extra 18 days sailing time.  So the sailing time from India to UK is now 44 days by ship instead of 26 days. Freight rates have gone to the sky:

Since the outbreak of fighting in the Middle East, the cost of shipping a standard container from China to Europe has soared to more than US$4,700 from less than US$1,000, according to the Freightos index. 

That is an increase of 370% !

The Houthis have absolutely no part in this Middle East conflict. They have nothing to gain by sinking unknown ships from everywhere in the world sailing in the open sea. They are simply doing the bidding of the ayatollahs in Iran.  The ayatollahs in turn do not achieve any strategic military objectives at all in sinking innocent ships on their way to the Suez Canal.

They are simply being the satanic rats which they are. And I have said before these ayatollahs frequently show satanic behaviour.

Their target is not the conflict zone in Gaza but rather to show that the Americans are powerless to stop the Houthis from sinking these ships. It is just an ego trip to embarrass the Americans. 

Sinking ships in the Red Sea does not dent the Israeli military operations in Gaza even one tiny bit. The Israelis simply do not care. Israel has a major port in Haifa on the Mediterranean coast through which they can import and export all their products. The ayatollahs know this as well. Israel does not need the Suez Canal.

The Houthis and the ayatollahs should be tried for war crimes by the World Court for causing so much hardship for the whole world and sent to jail. 

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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