
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, June 23, 2024

 Russian President Vladimir Putin recently visited North Korea and Vietnam. Both are communist countries and have been close friends and allies of the former Soviet Union and now of Russia. 

The visit to both countries is related to securing war supplies for Russia for the war in Ukraine. 

The Ukraine war is turning out to be an artillery duel at which the Russians are superb since the Second World War.  

'Russian troops in Ukraine fire about 15,000 to 30,000 rounds per day (various estimates) and have ramped up their artillery fire up to 60,000 rounds per day for specific engagements'.

Which is a lot of artillery shells.

The most common artillery shell that the Russians fire is the standard 152 mm high explosive shell. Here is a picture of a Chinese 152 mm artillery shell.

The standard 152.4mm shell weighs 43.56kg.

Russia has a production capacity between 3.0 million to 5.0 million artillery shells per year (various estimates).

Mr Putin's recent visit to North Korea (and Vietnam) is believed to be for the purpose of securing more supplies of the standard 152 mm artillery shells. 

North Korea is believed to produce 2.0 million rounds a year with a capacity to increase production to 6.0 million rounds without having to build more factories.  

Obviously Mr Putin is stockpiling artillery shells beyond their daily requirements which can be met by Russia's own production capacity. The suggestion is Russia is planning a big offensive in the Ukraine war beginning soon - the long awaited Russian summer offensive. Such an offensive will require shiploads of artillery shells. North Korea is about 400 miles by sea from the Russian port of Vladivostock.  

Yesterday was the first time that Russia used a 3,000 kg glide bomb in Kharkiv. Most glide bombs used by Russia so far have been 1,500 kg. A 3,000 kg glide bomb is devastating. The bomb was possibly dropped by a TU-22 or an SU-34 bomber from a great height and from a distance of over 70 km.

Glide bombs, drones, missiles and massive artillery fire are determining the war in Ukraine. Chechen volunteers, Wagner mercenaries, Donetsk / Luhansk militia and Russian regular troops and special forces are moving on the ground. This has to end soon. 

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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