
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Sunday, June 23, 2024



  • Tajiks (Persian: تاجيک، تاجک) are a Persian-speaking, Iranian ethnic group native to Central Asia, living primarily in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, and Uzbekistan. Tajiks are the largest ethnicity in Tajikistan, and the second-largest in Afghanistan and Uzbekistan. They speak varieties of Persian. 
  • Some of the famous Islamic scholars were from Persian speaking regions in Afghanistan, Tajikistan, Uzbekistan and Turkmenistan and can be viewed as Tajiks. They include Imam Abu Hanifa, Imam Bukhari, Tirmidhi, Abu Dawood, Nasir Khusraw and many others.


  • Tajikistan officially prohibited hijab, other “alien garments” 
  • passed laws regulating Islamic clothing, Eid celebrations
  • after years of unofficial clampdown on hijab


  • Under the law, individuals wearing hijab face hefty fines of US$700 
  • Companies allowing employees to wear hijab fined US$3,500
  • Govt officials, religious leaders face even steeper fines US$4,800-$5,100

  • also restricts children’s participation in Eid al-Fitr and Eid al-Adha 
  • to ensure “proper education and safety” of children during the holidays
  • Tajikistan seen influx of Islamic clothing from Middle East 
  • authorities link to extremism 
  • threat to Tajikistan's cultural identity
  • President Emomali Rahmon referred hijab as “foreign clothing” 
  • govt promotes traditional Tajik national dress

 (File pix) A picture taken on March 19, 2017 shows Tajik women wearing the Atlas and other traditional dresses celebrating the spring Nowruz festival in Dushanbe. The authorities have campaigned against Arab-style head and face coverings like the hijab as part of a crackdown that has also included forced beard shavings. AFP Photo

  • new law escalation of Tajikistan’s restrictions on Islamic garb
  • Since 2007 hijab banned for students, all public institutions
  • Authorities discourage beards 
  • police forcibly shaving thousands of beards


My Comments : For a long time now (hundreds of years) the Arab civilisation and Arab culture have been a failure. And extremist religion, the type often associated with the Arabs, has also failed to make a positive impression not just on non-Muslims but on Muslims as well. One example is obviously Tajikistan. 

The Tajikistan president Emamoli Rahmon (Imam Ali Rahman)  and their Majlis or Parliament  are taking drastic steps to preserve the Tajik culture and traditions in the face of growing Arabisation.

It must be noted that Islam came to Persia (the Tajik people are Persians) by 654 AD. That is just 22 years after the death of the Rasul or Nabi. The Tajiks were among the earliest Muslims in the history of Islam. And the Persian speaking Tajiks have produced well known Persian speaking religious scholars like Imam Bukhari, Imam Abu Hanifa, Abu Dawood and Tirmidhi. 

(It should be noted that the Uzbeks are a Turkish speaking people. Tajiks are Persian speaking).

Despite being Muslim for over 1,400 years the Tajik people have preserved their Tajik culture. Until now.

It is only since the late 20th century that Tajikistan (and the rest of the Islamic world) has been assailed by the extremist Salafi Wahabi ideology which comes from Saudi Arabia, Qatar and is also promoted (quite subtly) by the Muslim Brotherhood of Egypt. 

Since the late 20th century Islam has been seen as a backward, extremist and violent ideology because of the fanatic Salafi Wahabi ideology from Saudi Arabia and gang. 

(This is why everywhere around the Islamic world, including in Malaysia, the older generation keeps saying 'When we were young Islam was not so extreme or fanatic'

The older generation of Indonesian women did not wear hijab as a practise. The couple on the left are the late Indonesian Islamic scholar Dr Hamka and his wife.

Hence Tajikistan is not reacting against Islam but against Salafi Wahabi extremism.  Despite calling for a ban on the hijab the Tajik President Imam Ali Rahman (Emamoli Rahmon) has performed the pilgrimage to Mecca a few times.  Meaning he considers himself a pious Muslim but he is not a Salafi Wahabi fanatic. 

Which brings us to the fate of Salafi Wahabism. What will become of the Salafi Wahabi ideology? 

It is a stupid ideology hatched about 250 years ago by some desert arab. It would have remained in the desert if not for the oil money that was discovered in Saudi Arabia. Free oil money (created by the Americans and the Jews) made the desert camel herders suddenly rich beyond their wildest expectations. 

Having no other knowledge, skills or even simple common sense to help showcase their American created oil money the desert arabs decided to export their Wahabi ideology instead. That is how all the problems of the Islamic countries started - with the American created oil money funding the Wahabi psychos.

And what has happened since then? The Islamic countries have been burning to the ground. Literally. The ISIS are an example of Salafi Wahabi insanity.  The ISIS have burned down Iraq and Syria. Now ISIS-Khorasan is attempting to burn down Afghanistan and Pakistan. And their supporters have been arrested even here in Malaysia - for example in that "darul teroris". 15 out of the 19 hijackers who crashed those planes into the Twin Towers in New York (9-11) were Saudis. They were not Buddhists.  Most certainly they were funded by the Wahabis. 

But since 2017 (only seven years ago) Saudi Arabia the Ground Zero of Salafi Wahabism has ditched Wahabism. The Saudis are obviously tired of Wahabism otherwise they would not have dumped it. Arab countries like the UAE, Oman plus other Gulf countries (with the exception of stupid Qatar)  have also ditched the Wahabi ideology.

Hindu Mandir: India PM Modi inaugurates temple in Abu Dhabi 

Hindu temple UAE.


Wahabism is going where it belongs - into the trash bin.  

Even in Afghanistan the Taliban of today are not the same Taliban of 30 years ago.  In less than THREE YEARS (since the fall of Kabul in August 2021) the Taliban of today are into business and making money. No more chewing on dry naan bread in the caves. Now they are into eating mutton briyani and meat pulao by the bucket full.

                                             Above : Preparing Afghan wedding feast.

                                                    Below : No skinny Taliban in sight

Nobody wants to be stupid or remain stupid forever.
When your country burns down on your head you know you are stupid.
When you have to talk rubbish to earn a living you know you are stupid.

When you dress like a clown and force yourself to feel good, you know you are stupid.
When you appear like a clown and force yourself to feel good, you know you are stupid.
When you start shouting in anger that god is on your side you know you are stupid.
Here is the worst part, regardless of what you think, others know that you are stupid. 

Stupidity does not have an expiry date. 
But stupid people have a very short shelf life.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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