
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 11, 2024

TMJ calls for Gabungan Bangsa Johor, lauds Sarawak's progress


Johor Regent Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim has called for state politicians to form a coalition akin to Gabungan Parti Sarawak (GPS).

Proposing the formation of “Gabungan Bangsa Johor” (Johor National Coalition), Tunku Ismail envisions a coalition that could rectify problems in the current state system and pave the way for a brighter future, enhancing the welfare of Johor.

“Johor is often hailed for its immense potential. However, I believe it’s time for us, the people of Johor, to have the final say in our affairs rather than being dictated by Putrajaya.

“We decide what we need,” he said during a Youth Meet-up programme in Johor yesterday.

While he believed such a coalition would further boost Johor’s development and progress, His Highness said real change could only happen if Johor had its political party and stayed united regardless of race.

“No one can take care of us; we must care for ourselves and focus on our state. We need to implement this now,” he decreed.

Coalition of parties for bargaining power

Citing Sarawak’s current progress as an example, Tunku Ismail highlighted that the state’s benefits stem from the separation of powers between the state and federal levels.

He further suggested that states who unite under their parties gain more bargaining power with the federal government.

“In Johor, there are PKR, DAP, Umno, PAS, and various other parties. Why not form a Johor National Coalition? When you unite, the federal government cannot turn a deaf ear anymore because you will become the kingmaker,” he emphasised.

Sarawak is governed by GPS, which was formed by state parties previously part of Barisan Nasional.

It consists of Parti Pesaka Bumiputera Bersatu Sarawak (PBB), Parti Rakyat Sarawak (PRS), Parti Rakyat Bersatu Sarawak (SUPP), and Parti Demokratik Progresif Sarawak (PDP), which left BN after its defeat in the 2018 general election.

GPS is now the fourth-largest political coalition in Malaysia, holding 23 seats in Parliament and controlling 79 out of 82 seats in the Sarawak State Legislative Assembly.

Johor not a ‘beggar state’

Separately, he reiterated that Johor is not a beggar state that needs to beg for its needs and development.

Johor Bahru

He highlighted that the state’s needs are only addressed during election season, stressing that they are not looking for trouble or trying to oppose the government but simply seeking their rights and necessities.

Tunku Ismail then suggested that Malaysia learn from the United States’ model of power separation between states and the federal government.

He argued that it needs to be more logical for Johor to have jurisdiction over taxation and budgets, citing how states like California and New York have their powers.

“But we don’t have any say. We hand everything over to the federal government, they give us scraps.

“And when we don’t have enough money, we have to submit applications that take four, five years to get approved.

“How long are we going to beg? We’re not beggars,” he pointed out, adding that this is his personal view. - Mkini

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