
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Victory for Islam can erase past, future sins - Tuan Ibrahim

Victory for Islam in elections can cause past and future sins to be forgiven, claimed PAS.

The Islamist party's deputy president Tuan Ibrahim Tuan Man said this is when the new administration makes changes to "vices" carried out by its predecessor.

"Allah explains the victory of Islam is first and foremost to forgive past and future sins.

"With the victory of Islam, we can correct wrong policies and vices that were allowed in the past, for example, gambling," Harakahdaily quoted the Kubang Kerian MP as saying after inaugurating the Port Dickson PAS' Annual General Meeting (AGM) yesterday.

Tuan Ibrahim said vices like gambling come into being due to the approval given by politicians who are elected to power in elections.

"The leader gains power as a result of the people's support, then everyone conspires with the vice.

"How do we stop this? We fight. Once we win, we close down gambling centres, so that our past sins would be wiped out. Not only past sins but also future sins," he said.

Tuan Ibrahim said during the PAS administration in Kelantan, the party reviewed and stopped policies that were against Islam.

"We disallowed anything that went against Islam. We underwent the process. The same goes for Terengganu.

"We did not straight away close bars, discos and nightclubs. They were processes, methods that we went through," said Tuan Ibrahim, adding that the process followed a list of priorities. - Mkini

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