
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 11, 2024


 The results of the EU Parliamentary elections have come in. There is a clear disagreement from the European voters against their globalist influenced (World Economic Forum) governments and the war mongers who have caused so much hardship in Europe.

If you recall I have played videos from Survival Lilly before (picture below).

Lilly is an Austrian woman, mid-30s, who is an outdoors adventure person who makes survival videos. But since the Ukraine War and the economic sanctions against Russia plus the cutting off of cheap Russian gas from Germany and Europe, Lilly has been documenting the hardships that have hit the Austrian people.  In the screen grab above she talked about the end of the Austrian middle class.

Consequent to this, the Austrian far right Freedom Party has defeated the ruling party in Austria in the EU Parliamentary elections. The Freedom Party won 27% of the vote versus the ruling party who won about 24%.

The Freedom Party's platform included:

i.    anti immigration
ii.   they like Austria to exit the European Union (like Brexit)
iii.  they are anti the European Parliament
iv.  they oppose arms shipments to Ukraine and sanctions against Russia
  • Basically this is the trend across Europe. 
  • Voters across Europe have shifted to the right.

Austrians say that these results of the European Parliament vote  will likely be a rehearsal for Austria's own parliamentary election later this year. The Freedom Party will likely have an even larger lead in that race. The Austrian elections are expected to take place on Sept. 29.

But it is Germany that perhaps captures the "we-are-fed-up" attitude of the people. The Quisling Olaf Scholz's party was soundly thrashed by the far right AfD or Alternative fur Deutschland (Alternative for Germany). This party is only about 11 years old.

The AfD won 16% of the vote, defeating Olaf Scholz's "ruling" Verrater Party. The AfD is actually quite extreme right wing with some party leaders being pro-Nazi. Yet the German people voted for them. The party is especially strong in the "old" East Germany.

"We demand a vote of confidence and new elections," Alice Weidel, the AfD's leader told journalists. "People have had enough."

This "People have had enough"  seems to be resonating throughout Europe. 

When anti-war Donald Trump becomes president again in November and with this strong anti-war  feeling surging in Europe the war in Ukraine will come to an end. The Gaza war will end as well. 

President Putin has read the tea leaves quite well because the ordinary citizens in Europe seem to support him. The economic balance will be restored in Europe. No more sanctions against Russia and free flow of cheap Russian gas to Germany and Europe.

2025 should see a major turnaround in the world's fortunes.

The views expressed are those of the writer and do not necessarily reflect those of MMKtT.

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