
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, June 3, 2024

What options are available to students with less-than-stellar SPM results?


AMID all the celebratory and self-congratulatory posts on social media from proud parents and high-scoring Sijil Pelajaran Malaysia (SPM) students, one netizen felt compelled to ask about the fate of students who barely scrapes through the fifth form assessment.

This was the pertinent query posted anonymously on Malaysian Education Info (And Homeschooling too) Facebook forum. The post was accompanied with a result slip that featured mostly grades in the lower rungs but with a ‘B+’ in visual arts.

Given that results of SPM often plays a big part in a person’s future academic direction and consequently choice of careers, this is an important question, especially for a student who may find many doors closed to them due to grades such as the above.

There were plenty of suggestions. Here is a sample.

More than a few highlighted the student’s obvious skill and interest in the arts given it was the highest grade on the slip.

This being Malaysia, food is never far from any discussion and one netizen suggested this may be a good field to explore.

Some pointed to alternative education institutions that could possible offer suitable programmes for this student.

The technical, vocational and education training (TVET) option received a boost with what appears to be a formal invitation to explore the options available under this government initiative.

One netizen reminded that whatever the option chosen, ensure that the programme and institution is accredited by the government, otherwise the qualification would be useless.

Judging from the number of helpful comments, it is clear that there are still viable options for this student despite the less-than-sterling SPM result.

Parents need to be mindful and not over-react to perceived academic weakness. As pointed out, not all students excel in this sphere. Some work better with their hands or have skills that do not translate well in an exam setting.

FocusM congratulates all students in their efforts to reach for the stars. To those who did not fare so well, do not be disheartened, as there are alternate routes to those same stars. – Focus Malaysia

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