
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, June 4, 2024

Zaid urges editors to unite against 'Madani censorship'

Zaid Ibrahim has urged media editors to band together to oppose censorship collectively.

In making the call, the former minister cited the main media outlets’ "blackout" of a disabled e-hailing driver’s press conference in relation to an alleged assault involving Johor Regent Tunku Ismail Sultan Ibrahim’s escort.

"Yes, all the major platforms did not carry his statement, except MalaysiakiniThe Malaysian Insight and The Vibes.

"Who then gave the instruction? I know it's easy to blame the editors as 'chickens' (cowards), but they have families to feed.

"The Madani reformists should not have allowed such blatant censorship," Zaid said on X today.

Checks by Malaysiakini found that others who reported the press conference include Sinar Harian, Sin Chew Daily, Nanyang Siang Pau, China Press, Guang Ming Daily, Kwong Wah Yit Poh, and MalaysiaNow.

Astro Awani also published an article from the press conference, but as of writing, the article is no longer accessible.

Ong Ing Keong

Last week, the e-hailing driver, Ong Ing Keong, 46, recounted that a palace representative was present at the Brickfields police headquarters in Kuala Lumpur, where he had gone to have his statement recorded over the alleged assault.

Malaysian Deaf Advocacy and Wellbeing Organisation (Dawn) said that Ong only contributed to one of the four reports, lodged after the May 28 incident.

According to the NGO's secretary-general Anthony Chong, the subsequent three reports were prepared by the police, who then asked Ong to read through and sign.

Control of the media

Zaid stressed the importance of removing censorship, citing the reforms in Indonesia after the Suharto rule as an example.

"In the wake of reforms post-1999, they (Indonesia) removed the Information Ministry. Then, they guaranteed press freedom and established the Press Council. The Constitution prohibits censorship and no centralised media ownership. That's real progress.

"In Madani land, it’s just the opposite. Multimedia control comes under Section 233 of the (Communications and) Multimedia Act (1998) and is going strong. Now, the home minister wants the Printing Press Act to be extended to digital media," Zaid claimed.

It is worth noting that Home Minister Saifuddin Nasution Ismail has denied that his ministry intends to amend the Printing Presses and Publications Act to include online portals as a means to control them.

In addition, the Sedition Act and gag orders are still widely used, Zaid lamented.

"How much power and control do these people want?" he asked.

Amid the "hopeless situation", Zaid urged editors from all news outlets, no matter how big or small, to come together to oppose censorship.

"Your profession to tell the truth is an honourable one. The least you can do is try to protect your profession from getting worse.

"The Madani onslaught will be relentless," said Zaid. - Mkini

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