
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Monday, January 14, 2019

People Getting Tired Of Pakatan Harapan - By Our Editorial Consultant.

Yes I do have an 'Editorial Consultant'. The following is directed at the Pakatan Harapan. The Pakatan folks [the Cabinet, the MPs, the party members] better take note. If only you knew who wrote this, you will crap. Here goes. My comments in blue.

For Pakatan Harapan, Camerons Highlands may turn out to be a mountain a bit too  high to climb. 

Seven months ago the rakyat decided to change government hoping for real change. But after seven months they realise Pakatan Harapan [except for Tun Dr Mahathir and a few others] are still in the opposition mode.  They do not know how to govern. 

Policies made by the government are ignored by the Cabinet Ministers and  the Pakatan Harapan component  parties. lt gives the impression  they are just a rowdy lot who know the streets better. 

We see shouting matches among Ministers and complaints that their colleague's departments should be transferred to them.  Many seem to want more power and  yet until now they are not performing and not delivering  what is already on their plate. People are watching and getting fed up.

Yes by all means blame the previous corrupt government for stealing etc. Rakyat was told all these before and during the elections. They heard us already and voted that corrupt government  out.  But if you keep on repeating the same mantra it makes the rakyat  fed up. The rakyat want solutions to their problems and to the country's problems.  But so far not much has been done by the new Pakatan government.

Only the GST has been abolished.  But prices have not come down and the government is not explaining why prices are not coming down. The prices of rubber and palm oil are down and the minister has no clue how to  handle this situation, as if this is first time the country has faced a drop in prices of commodities.  We are a commodity producer and rises and falls in commodity prices are part and parcel of our economic management. 

Then ministers ask their colleagues to resign.

This is unprecedented. They do not understand  that the Cabinet is a collective responsibility. Also when you ask your own Cabinet colleague to resign it means you have  no respect for the Prime Minister who appointed all the Ministers. 

And Ministers do not scold and tell off public servants in public. Do it during post Cabinet meetings or call them in person and tell them off.  The Ministers  are now  the government and if anything goes wrong they ALL have to take the blame. Just implement policies  that have been decided and do not change your stance for political support because the government will be criticised. The rakyat  is watching.

Back to Cameron Highlands -  it looks like the  BN has  a better strategy.  Their choice of candidate shows planning.  Pakatan Harapan just chose their candidate without thinking.

Then the PKR's Senator Bob Manolan threatened that they will stop paying the salaries of the Orang Asli's Tok Batin in Cameron Highlands if they do not vote for PH.  This was a major bungle.  Plus vote buying.

YB Tian Chua had to apologize for this insensitive remark.   But Anwar Ibrahim the President of PKR  said that he has accepted  the explanation by  Senator Bob Manolan. 

Anwar lepas puas

[Begin comment OSTB :  And the Pakatan candidate Manoharan has been speaking also without thinking. His statement against the BN candidate for being an Orang Asli was nothing but a racist rant. To say that "the Malays will not even buy kuih from an Orang Asliis an unthinking and insulting statement - no matter what was his intention.

  • Calon PH Manogaran percaya BN letak calon Orang Asli tidak akan berhasil
  • mengulas BN calonkan bekas polis Orang Asli Ramli Mohd Noor 
  • BN tak faham. Orang Melayu tak beli kuih dari Orang Asli
  • Saya tak fikir orang Melayu akan undi Orang Asli
  • Kenapa letak Orang Asli?
  • Orang Cina, India juga tidak akan undi Orang Asli katanya 
  • Dia Orang Asli tapi dia belum pernah diuji
  • dia belum pernah terdedah kepada apa-apa.
  • Orang Asli mewakili 20 peratus pengundi di Cameron Highlands

End comment by OSTB]

Pakatan Harapan  used to blame BN for money politics but now the PH is no better. 

[Begin comment OSTB : Here is some news 

  • November lepas, Mahkamah isytihar kerusi Cameron tidak sah.
  • Hakim Datuk Azizah mendapati rasuah yang diketahui oleh Sivarraajh.
  • Azizah berpandangan Manogaran berjaya bukti wang diberi kpd pengundi

The Camerons seat was declared vacant by the Elections Court because of vote buying. So how now brown cows? Is this not also vote buying? Unless those Orang Asli "volunteers"  are registered party members, even giving them those free T shirts  can be deemed as vote buying.  It is not an excuse.  Mr Lim Kit Siang's statement  that the PH only paid them TWENTY RINGGIT does not make the issue any smaller. End comment OSTB]

Ministers crowded themselves in Cameron Highlands and then claimed they are  not abusing their positions. But before this they never visited Cameron Highlands.

When PKR campaigned in Sarawak, the Deputy PM Wan Azizah also promised some projects for the Sarawakians.  This is the same UMNO / BN style.  

[Comment by OSTB]  Wan Azizah was also chastised for saying in Parliament that Sarawakians DID NOT VOTE for PH. That was also  insensitive, not relevant and obviously threatening.

[End comment OSTB]

During the recent Parti Pribumi Bersatu gathering one vice president's demand that  government contracts  be given to party members received a standing ovation. 

Has anything changed? The old BN / UMNO  mentality has not been erased.  We used to criticise the BN for this type of behaviour.  But now we are following the BN style.

If this is the new Malaysia  the rakyat  is not impressed.   

Maybe Pakatan Harapan  should ask the "PM in Waiting" to go and  campaign instead of travelling all over the world in private jets.   And whose private jets are those? And with police escorts...who is paying for all this and does the PH Cabinet or Parliament approve?

OSTB :  Woi, why is that one recalcitrant fellow refusing to hold up the 'I Love Anugerah Tuhan' banner? Instead he is texting on his smartphone [or taking a snapshot]. And why does Azmin have such a sour face?  Why do the PH leaders want to indulge in this type of childish behaviour? This is exactly the same behaviour during the Najib kleptocracy.

What is the difference?

It is time the PH and the Cabinet behave like a party in power and remember they are the government now.   Change means change.  Governing a country  is a very serious matter.  Is the PH going to be a one term government ? This is up to the PH to decide. 

Ministers work in unity and the components parties have to behave themselves and discipline their members. 

Send the right messages to the rakyat and solve the nations many problems.

And stop travelling overseas and save the rakyats  money.

And spend your holidays here so that your money is spent locally to help with the local economy.

Dont blame the rakyat  if they send PH their signal that they want to change the government  - AGAIN.

By our Editorial Consultant.   

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