
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Friday, January 11, 2019


Someone sent me this. Thank you.  Muslim folks, I have chop-chopped this article for your quick reading.  If you want to read the original, the link is provided. 

This is exactly what I have been saying in this blog.  
The secret is out of the bag. 
Rahsia sudah pecah sekarang. 

Their religion (in Turkey, Saudi Arabia, Iran) is fake. False. 
So people are losing faith in their fake religion. 

Most sadly atheism and "deism" (apa benda itu) are increasing in Turkey, Saudi Arabia and Iran.

Dont forget one more country - Egypt. Atheism is also increasing in Egypt. You can read here.

Anyway here is the story about Turkey :

number of Turk atheists risen over past decade
those who consider themselves religious decreased

survey findings rekindled heated debates over political Islam and religiosity 
Turkey ruled by an Islamist-leaning party since 2002

survey based on opinion polls conducted in 2008 and 2018
explores social changes in Turkey over past decade
Canvassing 5,800 people in 36 of Turkey’s 81 provinces
51% “religious,” down from 55% in 2008
“strictly religious” 10%, down from 13%  decade ago

“atheists” increased to 3% from 1% in 2008
“non-believers” rose to 2% from 1%

  • When Erdogan's AKP ascended to power in Nov 2002, debates often included the question, “Will Turkey become Malaysia?” 
  • Some spoke of “Malaysianization” to describe what they believed could be in store for Turkey. 

Essentially, the question was whether a party of an Islamic character will inevitably embark on molding society according to its Islamic worldview after clinching power. How one answered the question determined one's side in Turkey’s political clashes in the ensuing years.

Kemalists saw AKP as an Islamist party aiming to create an Islamic state
Islamic conservatives maintained Turkey predominantly Muslim and hence the state had to be compatible with Islamic norms. 
After 16 years of AKP rule, this configuration remains same

important difference, Islamists driven by self-confidence of being ruling class, assume they are building a new society. This assumption has fueled in-house debates among Islamists.

A good deal of Islamic thinkers, meanwhile, believe that phenomena such as sexual abuse (you must click here) at hostels run by Islamic groups or Quranic schools (you must click here)  and the zeal with which Islamic communities vie for favors from the state have tarnished the image of religion in society.

  • “Those who are pious in language, appearance, worship  failed in terms of morals, probity, sincerity and attentiveness to haram.” 

  • more public display of piety has not led to greater attraction to religion but to “alienation to a certain extent.”

  • contrary to popular belief, Muslim societies ruled by religious governments tend to disincline from Islam.

  • similar outcomes are currently seen in three countries in the Islamic world — Saudi Arabia, Iran and Turkey

  • They are all ruled by religious governments, but in all three countries atheism and deism are spreading, while religiosity is declining [and] suspicion toward religion is growing. 

  • people begin to think that Islam is in fact a lie and they have been deceived.”

same three trends can be observed among young people in the three countries.

first group sliding to deism and atheism
second group drifting to radical fundamentalist groups
third group is shifting to Muslim-leftist thought

In Turkey government policies direct cause of vacillation among Muslim youth

corruption the first reason

memorable proclamation by pro-government theologian and columnist that corruption does not amount to stealing

“People saw in their neighborhoods that those who got close to the government prospered. They are now asking, ‘Is this compatible with Islam?’ The government’s economic policy has made the rich richer and the poor poorer, or, as I describe it, has performed ablution on capitalism,” Eliacik said.

young people asked the same questions

‘What is real Islam?’ they ask. 
Is there a real Islam? 
Where is real Islam — in Saudi Arabia, Iran or Turkey? 
Are the actions of ISIS real Islam? 
Does Islam sanction murder, stealing and female slaves?' 

Their minds are full of questions. 
Those who fail to work it out shift to deism. 
deism made headlines in April 2018 
after report about students shifting to deism was presented 

the Religious Affairs Directorate (Diyanet) launched “war on deism” 

the problem is out of the grasp of the Islamic communities

“What is needed is religious enlightenment, reform and renaissance movements, as in Europe,” 

not something one can achieve through top-down government policies

Instead, thought promoting civil, independent and reformist religious enlightenment should be spread. If they are suppressed, we could sink further into darkness.”

free discussion of these issues appears a distant prospect in Turkey 

Eliacik himself got a six-year sentence over remarks he made at a conference

He receives death threats and is subjected to character assassination

Islamism enjoys power in Turkey today
social transformation it seeks is met with resistance
resistance is taking the form of inward disconnection from faith

Read more: http://www.al-monitor.com/pulse/originals/2019/01/turkey-becoming-less-religious-under-akp.html#ixzz5cFhhxSR5

My comments :  Ok folks, Muslim folks. You have been cheated and fooled by your 'pious' pretenders. 

But dont worry. There is a solution. This is where you are going to get your guidance.

2:1 Alif Lam Meem

2:2 Zaa-lika al kitab -  That is the Book

2:3 Laa royba fee hee - There is no doubt within it

2:4 Hudan lil muttaqeen - A guidance for the conscientious

There are NO DOUBTS in the Quran. 
It is your guidance. 

Sampai bila tak mahu percaya lagi?

Why do you folks reject the Quran so much?
Kenapa begitu bersungguh tak mahu ikut Al Quran?

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