
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, January 15, 2019

We were more united in the good old days

The BN government was solely responsible for disuniting the races since 1957 or rather after we gained independence on Aug 31, 1957.
Prior to this or rather stretching until 1969 i.e. after the May 13 riots, the races started to get disunited owing to new policies implemented and enforced by the BN government.
Especially for the newer generations, the older people who were born during the British colonial rule in Malaya or before “Merdeka”, vividly remember that there was no such thing as racial disunity and that there was no segregation of students in classes.
The teacher will allocate the sitting arrangements accordingly to the size and build of each student so that the smaller ones can see what is written on the blackboard, regardless of their race, creed or of their religious practices etc.
There was no argument nor complaints about where the students were seated. Everyone got along rather well and became friends after school.
Yes, in those days students mingled with each other, ate and drank and played games together during class intervals. And they all sat around the same common table in the canteen during class intervals in school.
The beauty is that in those days you could see students of different races, religions, cultures, beliefs, practices and traditions going on visiting rounds together to the homes of their classmates during festivities like Hari Raya, Deepavali, Christmas and Chinese New Year.
This was how unity came about or began in Malaysia. Yes, it has to start right from the schools.
What happened was the students in the old days, after finishing school, would continue to share time together with their neighbours and live in the same neighbourhood in peace and harmony.
We were united and no question about it the unity in the country then.
Sadly, this scenario is not seen today. Blame it on the BN government.
In actual fact, that government should not have treated the minority races as ones just born today and introduce policies which only benefited one race.
As a result, the minority races are left behind and this is also how and when the races started to divide. The minority races had toiled to bring Malaya the stability and strong foundations it needed for further progress and development. - Mkini

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