
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, March 25, 2019

Anwar plans to trigger mass defection from PH before 19th May 2019

“Anwar never learns from his mistakes. He honestly believed that Mahathir would go out on a limb to protect Rameli to safeguard the latter’s interests. In actual fact, all Mahathir did was wait for someone to put two and two together, lodge a police report and tell cops that Rameli conspired with Maybank, Bank Negara Malaysia and lawyer Americk Singh Sidhu – the man named on the cheque – to launder RM1.4 million to the United Kingdom. The minute the report was lodged, Dato’ Seri Mohd Shukri Abdull was told to initiate the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) into a money-laundering probe by confiscating all  relevant documents from Rameli”

Raggie Jessy Rithaudeen

It’s all over the internet. Even the crows talk about it. Permatang Pauh Member of Parlament (MP) Nurul Izzah Anwar does not want to seek a new term as federal lawmaker. According to reports, the daughter of Malaysia’s longest serving Prime Minister in waiting, Dato’ Seri Anwar Ibrahim, is disappointed that the administration of Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad is slow paced on reform and blames it on the government’s obsession with 1Malaysia Development Berhad (1MDB).
“I said this is my final term. That’s my plan now,” she said.
Funny, because her own father went on record several times to note how Mahathir was very much needed to “clean the mess” left behind by the previous Barisan Nasional administration. On the 2ndof January 2019, Anwar told newsmen that Mahathir needed to be given space to lead government for the “agreed upon duration” as there was a “lot of work to be done.” He stopped short of specifying that duration though. But a month earlier, Mahathir put it at two years when speaking to a press conference on the matter.

“My promise is that I will step down (after two years). Do you remember any occasion when I did not keep my promise? I am the only ‘dictator’ who resigned,” said Dr Mahathir.
Mahathir did promise in 2002 that he would step down a year later and kept true to his word. But that’s only because he succeeded in getting Anwar out of his way, entered a deal with Tun Abdullah Ahmad Badawi and put Tan Sri Muhyiddin Yassin on his payroll. Once he was convinced that Anwar would rot in jail and Muhyiddin would be his eyes and ears, he stepped down, only to regret later when Abdullah let Anwar out from prison. Then, when it became clear that his successor was not about to establish the agreed upon Presidential Council, he knew he had been conned. And you know what?
We’re back to square one.
With a slight twist, of course. This time, it is Mahathir who undid what Dato’ Seri Najib Tun Razak did by letting Anwar out from prison. Thanks to him, not only is Anwar a free man, his wife just so happens to be the Deputy Prime. Minister. Mahathir’s return as Prime Minister was on the premise that Anwar would succeed him in two years. In 1998, he told media that his deputy would have succeeded him had the latter not plotted a coup against him. Today, he’s waiting for yet another coup attempt by Anwar before telling media that “Look, I gave him a second chance, but he still tried to topple me, so I had to get rid of him.”
And guess what?
Anwar did make an attempt.
Sometime in December last year, the PKR chief commenced a series of ‘secret’ discussions – which were not so secret given that I know about them – with Muhyiddin, several DAP MPs and a group of UMNO ‘warlords’ on the need to vote Mahathir out from government. He told Muhyiddin one thing, the DAP another thing and UMNO yet another. He figured that as long as he made everyone happy, they’d each go to bed with sweet dreams and support his no confidence vote bid. But little did he know that the DAP commenced its own series of discussions with Muhyiddin’s men and agreed to support the latter as Prime Minister in the event Mahathir was toppled.
Days turned into weeks, and weeks…well, weeks. Before long, it was time for Semenyih to go to polls. Mahathir was one up against Anwar and knew that the latter would trigger a no confidence vote against him right after Semenyih. He knew that if Pakatan scored badly, many of the 125 MPs whose support he commanded would be confident enough to support Anwar. So he whispered to Clare Rewcastle Brown that the letter she wrote to the Manager of Maybank Jalan Tun Razak would be able to turn UMNO and PAS voters against Dato’ Seri Haji Abdul Hadi Awang.
Clare fell for the trap.
In the letter, she named Hadi as the person who paid her RM1.4 million to settle a lawsuit out of court. But the bundle of documents her lawyers filed with the High Court of Justice in London pursuant to settle the case bore no signs of that letter. The only legal agreement she entered with Hadi made absolutely clear that the settlement was without costs. That agreement is currently parked at the London Court, filed as evidence that Hadi did not wish to pursue his suit against Clare and that the latter agreed not to divulge details of the settlement in public.
Which is why, when Mahathir reminded Clare of the letter, she knew that someone else needed to make a big deal out of it before she could go public with it. I’m made to understand that Mahathir floated Anwar’s name by telling Clare of the PKR chief’s disgust for Dato’ Dr Rameli Musa. That led Clare to whisper into Anwar’s ear that a letter existed ‘proving’ that Hadi paid her RM1.4 million. When Anwar was told that the payment was by Rameli, he burned rubber to get news of the letter to media, thinking that an investigation into its content and the stuff found printed on a cheque Clare was willing to leak would link Rameli to Mahathir.
He thought wrong.
And that has always been the problem with Anwar. He never ever learns from his mistakes. He honestly believed that Mahathir would go out on a limb to protect Rameli to safeguard the latter’s interests. In actual fact, all Mahathir did was wait for someone to put two and two together, lodge a police report and tell cops that Rameli conspired with Maybank, Bank Negara Malaysia and lawyer Americk Singh Sidhu –the man named on the cheque – to launder RM1.4 million into the United Kingdom. The minute the report was lodged, Dato’ Seri Mohd Shukri Abdull was told to initiate the Malaysian Anti-Corruption Commission (MACC) into a money-laundering probe by confiscating all relevant documents from Rameli.
Thanks to Anwar, Mahathir now has evidence of all the money Rameli channelled to several PKR MPs prior to the 14thgeneral election. That evidence comes along with proof that the MPs broke election laws by overspending during campaigns. Mahathir handed the proof to Azmin before assigning him the daunting task of blackmailing all those MPs by telling them to boycott Anwar’s planned no confidence motion. That explains why nobody stood up to call for the motion when the 14thparliament commenced its first meeting two weeks ago. Meanwhile, Clare was told by Dato’ Seri Khairuddin Abu Hassan that should she ever cross Mahathir’s path, the Bank of England would be presented with evidence that she laundered RM1.4 million into the UK.
Now do you understand why Nurul decided not to seek a new term as lawmaker? Anwar knows, that if he were to play “merajuk” and talk about this being “his last term,” nobody would care, as not only have the majority of PKR MPs hopped onto Azmin’s bandwagon, UMNO and PAS have made it absolutely clear that they do not want him. So he’s using his daughter to gain sympathy from UMNO, DAP and PKR MPs before making a second ditch attempt at negotiating some terms with them. Should he succeed, three days prior to the 19th of May 2019, he will get Nurul and Rafizi Ramli to leave Pakatan and persuade some 30 MPs to follow suit.
To be continued…

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