
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Monday, March 25, 2019

Beware, Islam Is Coming

Yes, GE14 was something bad that turned out good for Islam and the Malays. The Muslims are now talking about the interests of the ummah and the future of the Malays. DAP and Pakatan Harapan have made the Malays realise that unless they unite they are going to be wiped out. And that is what was good about GE14. So, beware, Islam is coming!

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Some call it the theory of cause and effect. Some call it the law of karma. Some call it the butterfly effect. Some say the Lord moves in mysterious ways. Some call it takdir. My late Tok Guru used to say in bad there is good and in good there is bad — so for every bad thing that happens good will finally emerge, and sometimes vice versa.
Anyway, whatever you may wish to call it, the May 2018 general election or GE14 was both good and bad.  Good for whom and bad for whom? Well, that all depends on who you are.
My late Tok Guru would use this analogy. When a guest comes visiting and stays for dinner (we are talking about in the kampung, of course), a chicken or two would need to be slaughtered, which would not have been done on a normal day. The children would rejoice at their good fortune for this rare occasion when they get to feast on chicken instead of the usual ikan kering.
But would the chicken also view this as an occasion of good fortune and a day to be rejoiced? Good fortune, or bad, would all depend on which side of the dinner table you are sitting. If you are the chicken in the middle of the table you would not share that same rejoicing mood.
Some see GE14 as the day the New Malaysia was born. Some see GE14 as finally a dream come true. Some see GE14 as the day Malaysia was freed from bondage. Some see GE14 as a tragedy.
Nevertheless, what cannot be denied is GE14 was the day Islam finally won. For 68 years since 1951, the Malays have been divided regarding the position of Islam. Some say Malaysia is an Islamic country. Some say Malaysia is a secular country. Some say Islam is the official religion of the country. Some say Islam is the religion of the Federation but not the official religion of the country per se. Some say Sharia law takes precedence while some say common law does instead.
Malaysia is almost like Hong Kong, one country two systems, and no one knows which system overrides the other.
When PAS wanted to table the Sharia Amendment Bill or RUU355 in Parliament, there was outrage from both Muslims and non-Muslims. They called the Sharia barbaric, outdated, uncivilised, something that belonged to the Middle Ages, and much more. In short, the Qur’an is barbaric, outdated, uncivilised, something that belonged to the Middle Ages, etc.
The Muslims had no choice but to endure the insults from those opposed to the Sharia and withdrew to fight another day.
Then GE14 happened. And the Muslims finally woke up to the reality that they were losing their country. They were now going to be reduced to hamba di negeri sendiri. So now they have decided to unite for the sake of Islam and for the future of the Malays.
Yes, GE14 was something bad that turned out good for Islam and the Malays. The Muslims are now talking about the interests of the ummah and the future of the Malays. DAP and Pakatan Harapan have made the Malays realise that unless they unite they are going to be wiped out. And that is what was good about GE14. So, beware, Islam is coming!

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