
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, March 19, 2019

Religious Segregation

Sabah orders Sek Men All Saints Likas stop segregate Form 1 based on religion

minister Yusof, Sabah Education deputy director visited school

met school’s principal, Mary Gambidau
no action would be taken 

Yusof said segregate Form 1 based on religion must stop immediately

parents submitted petition to ministry regarding segregation
segregated Form 1 according to religion – 4 classes non-Muslim, 2 Muslim
arrangement supposed to be in place for next three years.

My comments :  This time the principal Mary Gambidau is a non Muslim (by her name, and appearance in the picture above.)  This is a sad thing to happen in a multi racial, multi religious country. 

Given a choice, some non Muslims do not want much to do with Muslims. 

Given a choice, some Muslims also do not want much to do with non Muslims.

Sabah has a population of 3.5 million, of which over 800,000 are non citizens. The 800,000 non citizens usually means Muslim illegal immigrants from Mindanao and Indonesia.  

Minus these 800,000 non citizens, the "real" Sabah population is about 2.7 million only (?) Do correct me if I am mistaken.

If we include the Mindanao illegal immigrants, the Muslim population in Sabah is over 60%. 

Minus the 800,000 Muslim illegal immigrants that number would or should drop to about a  48% Muslim population in Sabah.

Considering that the vast number of illegal Mindanao immigrants are transients, this means they have no land, no 'kampong' to call home in Sabah and no solid presence in Sabah. 

On the other hand the largely Christian Kadazan and Dusun people have rivers, hills, valleys, villages and towns named in their language.   They have a solid presence in Sabah.

In Sarawak the numbers are different. Only about 30% of Sarawakians are Muslim. 70% are non Muslim with the Christians making up over 42% of Sarawakians. 

Both Sabah and Sarawak are largely Christian in their character down at the village and town level.  

We really have to get rid of religion from our school system and also from our government administration. 

Religion should be kept safely in two places - in the home and deep inside your heart. 

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