
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Saturday, March 23, 2019

Why Sometimes You Must Hate

Anyway, sometimes hate is good. But you need to channel that hate to the right place. Islam asks us to hate hypocrisy and during war the hypocrites must be the first to be killed, says Islam, because they are the worst enemy of all.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Today, the Pakatan Harapan government organised the “Solidarity4Peace” anti-hate rally in Kuala Lumpur, pushing for the fostering of peace and harmony and to an end to hatred. Unfortunately, it was poorly attended. If they had organised a hate-rally instead, the crowd would probably have been huge — such as hate-Najib, hate-Umno, hate-NEP, hate-Raja-Raja Melayu, etc.
In fact, when Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad organised the hate-Raja-Raja Melayu rallies all over Malaysia in the 1980s, the whole town came to a standstill and these rallies were so successful that until today many Malaysians still hate the Raja-Raja Melayu and openly whack them on the internet and in the social media.

Mahathir organised hate-Raja-Raja Melayu rallies all over Malaysia in the 1980s

The Christians say, hate the sin but love the sinner. And then for 2,000 years they invaded other countries and attacked and killed others in the millions. Of course, they try to sanitise these deeds by claiming that Hitler, Stalin, etc., were atheists and not Christians. This is like saying the Taliban, SIS, Islamic State, Boko Haram, etc., are not REAL Muslims but deviant Muslims. Hence, they cannot be considered as Muslims.
Whatever it may be, even if Hitler, Stalin, and the rest of their ilk, were atheists, those under them who carried out the ethnic-cleansing were church-going Christians, and one justification they gave for killing Jews is that the Jews murdered Jesus.
Did not the church in Rome endorse ethnic-cleansing in Latin America? Entire communities were wiped out on the excuse they were pagans so the only way their souls can be saved would be to murder them and send them to heaven. The Vatican even classified the South American Indians as not real humans. You only need to look into their eyes to see they have no soul, said the Pope.
Entire South American communities were wiped out by the church to save their souls and to send them to heaven
And how do ‘good Christians’ explain the killing of millions of Native Americans (Red Indians) or the trading in slaves from Africa? Millions of Africans died on route even before the ships could arrive in port. They were treated worse than horses and cows. And the people committing this most despicable act were all ‘good church-going Christians’.
No, religion may preach one thing but what humans do is always the opposite. Sometimes atheists are better people than religionists. Is not China an atheist country and, compared to Christian America, which do you think is eventually going to rule the world?
Islam does not preach love, like Christianity. Islam preaches hate, which is what Christians actually do.
Islam asks you to hate injustice. Islam asks you to hate rape. Islam asks you to hate immorality. Islam asks you to hate same-sex relationships. Islam asks you to hate adultery. Islam asks you to hate persecution. Islam asks you to hate hypocrisy. Islam asks you to hate crimes against God (Allah). Islam asks you to hate pride. Islam asks you to hate arrogance. Islam asks you to hate conceit. Islam asks you to hate polytheism. Islam asks you to hate taking other Gods other than Allah. Islam asks you to hate worldly possessions.
And the list goes on.

The Crusades were church-sanctioned ethnic-cleansing

Of course, Islam is not just about hate. Islam does also preach love.
Islam preaches love for the ummah or for brothers- and sisters-in-Islam. Islam preaches love for Allah. Islam preaches love for Prophet Muhammad. Islam preaches love for the Qur’an. Islam preaches love for jihad. Islam preaches love for death. Islam preaches love for orphans. Islam preaches love for the poor, the destitute and the down-trodden. Islam preaches love for learning, education and knowledge. Islam preaches love for self-sacrifice.
And, again, the list goes on.
The famous Imam Ghazali even preached hate for recognition and for fraternising with rulers. In his letters he wrote that one should not associate with rulers because they are a bad influence and may make you love titles, riches, power, position, good food, good clothes, etc. (Today, ‘rulers’ would mean Pakatan Harapan).

Slavery was perpetuated by ‘good Christians’

Anyway, sometimes hate is good. But you need to channel that hate to the right place. Islam asks us to hate hypocrisy and during war the hypocrites must be the first to be killed, says Islam, because they are the worst enemy of all.
Yes, and that is what we are seeing in Pakatan Harapan, hypocrisy of the highest order. And Pakatan Harapan’s hypocrisy is so thick you can cut it with a knife. The Christians say hate the sin but love the sinner. So, Christians may hate what Pakatan Harapan does but they will still love Pakatan Harapan.
Islam, however, says, in war, kill the hypocrite because you must hate the sin and act against or punish the sinner. In that sense, Islam is a more honest religion than Christianity, which says one thing but does the opposite. If Christians really hate the sin but love the sinner, why execute murderers?
So, what exactly was Pakatan Harapan’s anti-hate rally about today?

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