
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Tuesday, December 17, 2019

Mahathir Has Checkmated Both Najib And Anwar

Yes, the situation is very dicey. The only guarantee Mahathir has of staying in power beyond May 2020 would be to kill of both Anwar and Najib for good. Anwar will be killed off with Sodomy 3, Sodomy 4 and Sodomy 5. And Najib will be killed off with SRC International and 1MDB, and if he escapes those two traps he will be killed off with the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder resurrection.

Raja Petra Kamarudin
Najib Tun Razak’s supporters say Malaysia’s sixth Prime Minister has a good chance of coming back as Malaysia’s eighth Prime Minister once the court acquits him of the SRC International and 1MDB criminal charges.
Anwar Ibrahim’s supporters say the prime minister-in-waiting will be Malaysia’s eighth Prime Minister on or before May 2020 and if Tun Dr Mahathir Mohamad refuses to leave they are going to kick him out.
Dr Mahathir’s supporters say there is no way the old man is going on or before May 2020 and not only is Anwar not going to be PM8 but he is going to end up in jail for Sodomy 3, Sodomy 4 and Sodomy 5.

Mahathir’s people say Anwar and Najib are discussing a deal

Dr Mahathir’s supporter also say that Anwar and Najib are discussing a deal to team up against the old man to make sure that he is ousted within the next six months so that Anwar can become PM8 and Najib can settle all his legal issues — with the help of the new prime minister, of course.
Najib’s and Anwar’s supporters say that Hishammuddin Hussein and Azmin Ali are working with Dr Mahathir to ensure that he has enough numbers, with the help of the Umno and PKR MPs, to stay in power beyond May 2020.
Sabah and Sarawak politicians say if Anwar makes his move on Mahathir then most likely the two East Malaysian states will vote with Anwar against Mahathir.

Muafakat Nasional is behind Najib and this frightens Mahathir

PAS politicians say if Anwar makes his move on Mahathir then most likely the party will vote with Mahathir against Anwar.
I say it is actually a 50:50 situation or checkmate and both sides do not really know if they have the numbers — whether Mahathir has enough majority to stay in power or whether Anwar has enough majority to oust Mahathir.
At the end of the day, it is a game of chance. Anwar tried this before in 1997 and failed (he went to jail instead). He tried it again in 2008 in his infamous “16 September” push and again failed (and again went to jail instead). Can Anwar afford to try it a third time and fail a third time and go to jail for the fourth time (yes, Anwar had been jailed for three criminal offences in the past)?

Mahathir says the Umno President is with Anwar
Anyway, both Anwar and Najib pose a clear and present danger to Mahathir. If they join forces, and if PAS-Umno (a.k.a. Muafakat Nasional) plus Sabah and Sarawak support the anti-Mahathir move, then Mahathir is finished (especially since Hishammuddin and Azmin cannot seem to get enough numbers to keep Mahathir in power).
Yes, the situation is very dicey. The only guarantee Mahathir has of staying in power beyond May 2020 would be to kill off both Anwar and Najib for good. Anwar will be killed off with Sodomy 3, Sodomy 4 and Sodomy 5. And Najib will be killed off with SRC International and 1MDB, and if he escapes those two traps he will be killed off with the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder resurrection.
DAP is already jumping onto the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder resurrection bandwagon with all sorts of statements. The DAP leaders can see that the SRC International and 1MDB trials are not going to bring Najib down. In fact, the trials are not turning out the way they had hoped and it looks like it is swinging in Najib’s favour. Furthermore, it is taking too long and the whole thing will go on way beyond May 2020.

Sirul and Azilah were approached in February this year with offers for them to say that Najib personally instructed them to murder Altantuya

Hence, they need a Plan B to SRC International and 1MDB. And Plan B is the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder resurrection. That is why many DAP leaders are barking and screaming. They want to make the Altantuya Shaariibuu murder resurrection the main issue. This will not only help replace the SRC International and 1MDB issues, but it will also overshadow Anwar’s new Sodomy issues, sort of killing two birds with one stone.
The Altantuya Shaariibuu murder resurrection was planned in February this year. First Sirul Azhar Umar was offered RM10 million to sign a statutory declaration saying that the order to murder Altantuya came personally from Najib. But Sirul refused.
Then they made the offer to Azilah Hadri and promised to commute his death sentence and change it to life imprisonment, after which in two or three years he would be given a pardon and can walk out of jail. Two months ago, Azilah signed the statutory declaration and two days ago it was released to the public.


  1. Rpk oh Rpk. You are contradicting yourself. You mentioned before DAP was a staunch Anwar supporter. Now you say Anwar will gang up with Bossku to kick out Mahathir.. So in this calculation you are saying Najib n DAP can co-exist in a pact? Or you are implying DAP with their 40MPs will be history once Anwar+Najib make a pact?

  2. Rpk is a hired gun it's that simple. Nobody who live in overseas will stay in touch and try to influence Malaysia politics except he is paid


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