
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku



Sunday, December 15, 2019

Some Notes About the Rear Admiral

Image result for mahathir and anwar

Hi folks. I have been requested to publish the following.  

It was sent to me by a good friend but I believe it comes from the "Deep State" folks as well. 

I have amended it slightly. (Bro, Deep State or no you must know how to write these things for real effect.)  

Some call him the Rear Admiral. 

I have heard Famous Anus (an offtake from Famous Amous cookies). 

The all time classic is of course Pak Shekh Pungkok or PSP.    PSP is attributed fairly and squarely to a guy called Norman  (the Malay 'Norman', not Norman Bates of 'Psycho') who is the son-in-law of The Scribe.  

Anyway here goes. My own comments are in blue, plus at the end.

About the Rear Admiral. 

There are lots of truths, half-truths and lies out there and we urge you all to keep an open but critical mind to decipher from all published articles out there (even those written by mercenary bloggers) which one is true and which are false and which are half true. Read as much as you can but with a critical mind.
And do NOT be afraid or be intimidated by the so-called cyber-troopers or trolls, the mercenary kids spreading fear, lies and confusion. Many of us know who, how and why they are engaged, some of whom are as young as 15 years old. 

You should debate and engage them openly and logically with facts and knowledge, scold or mock them if you have to, just don’t say anything defamatory or seditious as far as race, religion and royalty are concerned. 

Keep your emotions under control and don’t fall into their trap of instigating you to use racial or religious slurs. If you think it’s getting nowhere, log off.

There is a big difference between “hearsay” ie what ordinary people talk or gossip versus  "reliable information" from high-level and intelligence sources.

Our opposition to the Rear Admiral is not personal. We fight for truth, justice, religious freedom and racial harmony and against all forms of oppression, extremism and corruption. Our reasons for opposing the Rear Admiral are as follows.

1)    Sexuality. 

We are open minded people. A person’s sexuality and religious belief are private matters which we should not interfere with as long as he/she does not sexually offend or harm others around him/her. 

But when it comes to the Rear Admiral it becomes a very different matter, since he aspires to be the Prime Minister. You and us may be open minded about a person’s sexuality but in a country where more than 90 percent, especially the Muslims, do not accept homosexuality, bisexuality, threesomes and entah apa lagi - and see it as even worse than being corrupt, it makes him very, very vulnerable to blackmail.

This wannabe Prime Minister can be easily blackmailed by  so many people and foreign forces who may have more videos of his promiscuity with homosexuals, prostitutes and we do not know with who else.

When he was sacked in the late 1990s, the official reason given by the then prime minister was not because of his immorality but it was because of “national security”. 

He was alleged to be sleeping with a senior male IMF official and the country was going through an economic crisis and the then government was under a lot of pressure to adopt the IMF option, which luckily we did not fall for it.

2)    Corrupt

He is known to be corrupt by those who know about it (much like another 'nice guy' former PM, who was also known to be very corrupt) and also seen to be weak, hypocritical (saying one thing and doing another thing and playing to the gallery by saying different things to different audiences). 

(OSTB : Ok here I want to intervene. My view is even if they are not personally corrupt ALL the prime ministers condoned and condone corruption in one way or another. As for hypocrisy may I take this opportunity to say that Tun Dr Mahathir is now Bapak Hypocrisy Malaysia.)

Some people think he suffers from a psychological flaw of being extremely power hungry and not realizing that he is showing it so obviously. He is also surrounded by unscrupulous and thuggish people who are very impatient and can’t wait for their boss to take over so that they can reap the benefits for themselves. 

Hence they are prone to making mistakes and exposing themselves, like what’s happening now. If the Rear Admiral chooses to listen to such people and cause havoc and more division in his party, he must take responsibility for it. You make your bed, you lie on it, don’t blame others. If the Rear Admiral can't even unite and govern his own party properly, how can he unite and govern the whole country??

3)    Religious track record and links to religious extremists. 

This is the most dangerous aspect of the Rear Admiral. 

When he was a rising star in A_ _M, education minister, MOF & DPM he was largely responsible  for politicizing and religionizing our education system and civil service. 

This is not hearsay and everyone knows about it.

The Rear Admiral is known to be linked to the international network called Muslim Brotherhood (MB), led by people such as Erdogan, the president of Turkey. 

Our ed --- tion minister, some muftis and government officials are also alleged to be members. The Muslim Brotherhood or MB is not an extremist or terrorist organisation per se but can be quite dangerous because they believe in a so-called "peaceful" jihad.  There is no such thing as "peaceful" jihad.  They are basically Muslim fundamentalists who want to convert others to Islam. 

(OSTB : That is why the minister asked Malay Muslim teachers from the Semenanjung to continue with their "jihad" in Sarawak and Sabah. Their idea is to convert, convert, convert. Decades ago when I was also a member of the jahiliyah I would have supported this - but now after having better understood the Quran - I know that this is wrong. 

In Islam you do not manipulate, force, trick or use taxpayers money for the purposes of converting people of other religions into your jahiliyah. And worse Malaysia is a multi cultural, multi racial and multi religious country. The country is wonderful because of this diversity. You mess with this diversity and the country will burn down. )

Here's the modus operandi of the Muslim Brotherhood.

Firstly, when they are not in power, they present a moderate image to win public support. 

Secondly, they believe in infiltrating various organisations and government bodies. 

Then when some of their members take over the government or occupy positions of power,  they will secretly and surreptitiously further their religious agenda. 

If the Rear Admiral becomes the PM, the Muslim Brotherhood will certainly play a very influential role in shaping goverment policies and advising him what to do. 

There is already an informal religious “deep state” in the country which was also responsible for the disappearance of people such as Pastor Koh, Amri Che Mat, Helmy and his wife Ruth.

What happened to Pastor Koh, Amri Che Mat and the others is a warning sign. They have already started going after the Christians and Shiites. How do you know they will not go after the Buddhists,  Hindus, Sikhs, atheists and others too? 

(OSTB : So to all you really stupid idiot Chinese, Indians, Punjabis and other non Malays who seem to support this Rear Admiral fellow - just stop it. Stop being stupid idiots. Stop supporting him. You really do not know what you are doing. Your children and grandchildren will pay dearly if this fellow and his coterie come to power.)

There should be a separate debate about Dr Mahathir and who are the potential candidates to take over but let’s not cloud the issue and endanger whatever rights the non-Muslims still have and the relative racial harmony we still enjoy in our country today.

Ignorance is bliss. Many people, including analysts, like to live in denial due to the lack of suitable candidates and their dislike for Dr Mahathir.  They also don't want to know or acknowledge the truth about the Rear Admiral. Most of them do not know about his links to the Muslim Brotherhood.

The Rear Admiral is simply a wolf in sheep's clothing, that is why he is so dangerous.

Some political parties and foreign powers like the Rear Admiral because he is weak and they think they can get what they want and have some control over him if he comes to power.

Best regards,
Group of Concerned Citizens

My comments :  

Folks I agree with all that has been written above by this Group of Concerned Citizens. (I have amended some of their language - for clarity and effectiveness, my style).

Lets talk about Dr Mahathir. Without a doubt Dr Mahathir is super intelligent. Without a doubt Dr Mahathir is super duper capable. 

But Dr Mahathir has some serious, serious flaws. He does not understand business, economics.  New Economic Policy failed. Replaced with Wawasan 2020. That too has failed. Now we have entah apa lagi 2030. ALL his economic projects have failed - Perstima, Perwaja, Bank Bumi, Proton, now Felda (it was bound to fail.)  

Why have ALL these economic projects failed? Because ALL of them had little or nothing to do with the laws or rules of economics and business.

The Malays are behind in business, economics, finance, science, industry, society, everything. Yet the same people who did not understand economics, business and finance went ahead and made policies encompassing economics, business, finance etc.  Talk about tikus membaiki labu.

And what is the result? Felda failed, MAS failed, Proton failed, Perwaja failed, Bank Bumi failed, Perstima failed, Khazanah Nasional failed (it will fail again ok, go and write this down in your diary, pi tulis dalam diari, "Khazanah will fail again".)

And all this was the doing of Dr Mahathir Mohamad. 
Ayahanda simply did not understand business, economics and finance.

Yet you cannot deny Dr Mahathir's super genius. 
If you are not convinced just look outside your window. 
Nearly all the real and tangible development in this country has Dr Mahathir's thumb print on it.  

But we have to relook Dr Mahathir's failures. His failures are also very long.

Dr Mahathir certainly has missed the boat about nation building. 

Despite all his genius Dr Mahathir himself is too caught up in both racial and religious rhetoric. 

Race and religion are 100% certain recipes for failure. 
And ultimately for destruction and death. 

How many of you bodohs cannot understand this?  

Just look at the Middle East, Pakistan, Narendra Modi's Hindutva India and all the other shit hole countries. 

All consumed by stupid religious fights, race and caste issues. 
Just a silly, stupid people. 
Perfect lubang taik material.

Lets not digress too much. 
So do you think that the Rear Admiral is cleverer or better than Dr Mahathir?  
Do you think the Rear Admiral knows anything about industry, about creating jobs in the 21st century, do you think he knows anything about nation building for the 21st century? Do you think he knows anything about the Quran and the real Islam?

If you do, please scrape the inside of your cheeks, put it in a sample bottle and send it to some DNA lab and check your ancestry. Your mother may have dallied with a donkey or worse. 

The fellow suffers some disease - in his mind. 
His is a very sick mind.
His very existence appears focussed on the butt hole of the males and dallying with promiscuous women. 

We need a real prime minister who knows and understands technology, economics, science, defense, the Middle East, the Quran, Islam and he or she must know psychology.  You must have studied psychology in  the university.

The prime minister must know English - very good English.  The PM must be well read - in English. Not Shakespeare. Russel would be good. Not the stand up comedian Russel Peters or the actor Russel Crowe. More like the philosopher Bertrand Russel.

It is important to understand the Middle East because that is where all the shit comes from, which unfortunately has a significant affect on the shit heads here. The Saudis bomb Shia Yemen and our cebuk dale sungai fellows sent the RMAF to help the Saudis. 

The Salafi camel shaggers kill Shias in the Middle East and Amri Che Mat and Pastor Koh are made to disappear here.  This is going to get worse.

Now if the Prime Minister is confused about this (like Dr Mahathir's really stupid and foolish venture with Reccip Tayyeb Erdogan of Turkey and Imran Khan of Pakistan to "explain the real Islam" crap) then Malaysia will not get the correct leadership.

So now imagine if the Rear Admiral becomes PM and his Muslim Brotherhood psychos are running Malaysia. The country will burn to the ground. Malaysia will really burn to the ground.

So to all you really stupid Chinese, Indians, Punjabis and other non Malays who think the Rear Admiral will save your ass - please write this on your forehead - it is more likely that the Rear Admiral will rip your ass. Better believe this.


  1. Syed's opinion maybe true back then. But anwar has been incarcerated for years. Don't you think he has the capacity to change? Do u change?

  2. I really think that this outsidebotol fella need to tobat.


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