
MALAYSIA Tanah Tumpah Darahku


Tuesday, April 21, 2020

Adham Baba fortunate his ministry doing a sterling job - Gerakan man


Health Minister Dr Adham Baba is fortunate because those under him are doing an excellent job in tackling the Covid-19 pandemic in Malaysia, according to Gerakan's Jason Loo.
The former Gerakan Youth acting chief censured the Umno lawmaker for indulging in politicking when frontliners are risking their lives to battle the disease.
He was referring to Adham blaming the previous Pakatan Harapan administration for allowing the tabligh gathering between Feb 27 to March 3 in Seri Petaling, Kuala Lumpur.
"Did you spare a thought for them (frontliners) before making such a remark?" Loo asked in a statement.
"Doctors, nurses, pharmacists and down to the cleaners in hospitals are risking their lives. They and their families find your statement distasteful.
"Malaysians at large find your statement stupid," he added without mincing words.
Pointing out that Adham is a doctor himself, Loo said the minister's politicking during this period was not only wrong but unethical as well.
"You don't score political points by making such remarks.
"In fact, you are damn lucky that your stupidity has been compensated by the outstanding performance of your ministry,” he added.
According to Loo, the minister could have scored political points by conducting himself in a professional manner.
"You should have visited your frontliners, especially those in areas where there were infections among medical staff to give them encouragement.
"You should have posted words of encouragement daily on your Facebook, Twitter, Instagram and other social media accounts for your frontliners. But, you did not do it," he added.
Loo, who said a nation required outstanding leaders during a crisis, cautioned Adham against becoming like US President Donald Trump.
When Adham was appointed as health minister, the Gerakan man said he thought that it was a good choice given his medical background since only two of his predecessors were medical doctors, MCA's Dr Chua Soi Lek and MIC's Dr S Subramaniam.
"However, since your appointment, you have made blunder after blunder,” he said in reference to Adham's numerous gaffes.
Loo pointed out that the health minister's actions are also affecting the Perikatan Nasional administration and Umno. - Mkini

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